
Hi everyone, Welcome to my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS post. BATTLE MAGE SECRETS itself is a replacement for SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE, where if SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE takes 1 monster as its weekly theme while BATTLE MAGE SECRETS takes 1 Ruleset as its theme. And the theme for this week is...



"Melee units can attack from any position."

NOXIOUS FUMES is a ruleset that will give debuffs to all monsters from both sides before the battle starts. The debuff given in the NOXIOUS FUMES ruleset is POISON . POISON will provide a reduction of 2 Health points per round to the target affected by this debuff if it is not immediately cured using the CLEANSE ability.

To survive in the NOXIOUS FUMES ruleset, of course, we need monsters that have the CLEANSE ability. But unfortunately CLEANSE ability can only remove debuffs (including POISON) from monsters that are in the first position. Meanwhile, to remove debuffs on monsters that are not in the first position, the only way is to let them lose then use the REBIRTH or RESURRECT ability so that they can be revived (without debuffs) even though they only have 1 Health point.

Another way to survive in the NOXIOUS FUMES ruleset is to use healing abilities such as HEAL (to heal itself), TANK HEAL (to heal monsters in the first position), and TRIAGE (to heal monsters in positions other than the first position). These healing abilities cannot remove POISON, but at least they can restore the Health points lost due to the effects of POISON.

We can also use monsters that have the IMMUNITY ability in order to avoid all kinds of debuffs (especially POISON ). But lately there is an ability that can remove the IMMUNITY ability, the ability is EXPOSE . EXPOSE is an ability that has the opportunity to remove certain skills such as IMMUNITY . On the bright side, there is only 1 Summoner (Dual Summoner) who has the EXPOSE ability, which is Cryptic. He can only give the EXPOSE ability to 2 monsters.




In addition to NOXIOUS FUMES, the Rulesets in this battle are...


BORN AGAIN is a ruleset that will give all monsters in the battle arena additional abilities. The additional ability is in the form of REBIRTH . REBIRTH is an ability that can revive if the owner of the ability is defeated by the opponent's monster or due to a certain debuff.

REBIRTH ability can only be used once per battle. If you want to resurrect the same monster, then we need another monster that has the RESURRECT ability. Just like REBIRTH , the RESURRECT ability can only be used once per battle. And if you want to use more resurrection, of course, you need a monster with the same ability.


My Line-Up

- Give a reduction of 1 Attack power to All Enemies Magic monsters

- Give a reduction of 1 Health point to All Enemies
I used Thaddius Brood because I wanted to use some of the monsters in DEATH Element. Also, with the reduction of 1 health point, at least the defeat of some of the opponent's monsters can be accelerated.
THORNS + HEAL + SLOWI used Cursed Windeku to anticipate if the opponent also used Melee monsters for this battle. With the THORNS ability, at least Cursed Windeku can hurt the opponent's Melee monsters when they manage to hurt it.
SHATTER + AMPLIFY + RUSTThe use of Weirding Warrior was originally intended to help Cursed Windeku amplify the effects of THORNS using his AMPLIFY ability. However, Weirding Warrior also has RUST and SHATTER abilities so he will be useful if the opponent uses monsters that have ARMOR.
SILENCEI use Corpse Fiend just in case the opponent uses monsters that have abilities like SNEAK or OPPORTUNITY . But besides that, Corpse Fiend also has the SILENCE ability which is useful for reducing 1 Attack power of the opponent's magic monsters.




The opponent uses Ilthain as a summoner. Ilthain gives an additional 1 SPEED to all monsters belonging to the opponent and an additional ability in the form of RETURN FIRE which can provide a counterattack when hit by attacks from Ranged monsters.

The opponent only brings 2 monsters and one of them is a no-attack monster.


In the first round, Adelade Brightwing attacked Cursed Windeku first. Weirding Warrior attacked Chaos Agent but he was also counterattacked due to the effect of RETURN FIRE. This was followed by Cursed Windeku who healed himself and defeated Chaos Agent. But Chaos Agent bounced back thanks to the REBIRTH ability he got from the BORN AGAIN Ruleset.


In the second round, only the monsters on my side were affected by the poison effect of the NOXIOUS FUMES ruleset. As for my opponent's side, Chaos Agent was free from the poison because he was revived. And for Adelade Brightwing, he was spared from the effects of the poison because he had the IMMUNITY ability. As a result of the poison effect, Weirding Warrior and Corpse Fiend lost for the first time but they came back to life thanks to the REBIRTH ability.

Adelade Brightwing attacked Cursed Windeku again. Meanwhile, the attacks from Weirding Warrior and Cursed Windeku failed to hit Chaos Agent so they took 2 points of damage due to the BACKFIRE effect because their attacks missed. That made Weirding Warrior lose for the second time and was not revived. Meanwhile, Cursed Windeku who had healed himself now took 2 points of damage.


During the third and fourth rounds, Cursed Windeku's attacks always failed to hit Chaos Agent so he took 2 points of damage each round. Cursed Windeku also took damage from attacks by Adelade Brightwing as well as the poison effect of the NOXIOUS FUMES ruleset.

It was only in the fifth round that he managed to land his attack on Chaos Agent and defeat him. But he still had to take damage from Adelade Brightwing's attacks and poison effects in this round. Chaos Agent is also revived by Adelade Brightwing who has the RESURRECT ability.


In the sixth round, Cursed Windeku was poisoned again and received an attack from Adelade Brightwing. But this time, Cursed Windeku completely defeated Chaos Agent and he could not be revived. Now he just has to face off against Adelade Brightwing without the fear of getting BACKFIRE when his attack misses.


In the seventh round, Adelade Brightwing was defeated for the first time by Cursed Windeku even though he was revived through REBIRTH ability. But in the eighth round, her attack failed to hit Adelade Brightwing. Only in the ninth round, Cursed Windeku managed to defeat Adelade Brightwing and he could not be revived.

To see the entire battle, you can watch it at >> FULL BATTLE LINK
And this is the challenge link >> CHALLENGE LINK


Review of this battle

You could say that the winning factor in this battle was determined by how much luck each side had. Despite only having a few points difference in terms of speed, most of the attacks from my monsters can be avoided by Chaos Agent. And that makes the effect of BACKFIRE owned by Chaos Agent active and causes 2 points of damage to the attacker.

If it had continued until the fifth round, then it was certain that the opponent would have won the battle this time. But luck moved to my side so that my Cursed Wind could still survive and manage to defeat all the remaining monsters.

If I could choose to change monsters, I would probably replace Cursed Windeku with Xenith Monk and Venator Kinjo (or Xenith Archer). Xenith Monk might be useful to eliminate the attacks from Adelade Brightwing since it has VOID and MAGIC REFLECT abilities. However, I am still worried about Chaos Agent who will hinder it with DODGE and BACKFIRE abilities, making it take 2 points of damage (+ 2 points of damage due to the poison effect of the NOXIOUS FUMES ruleset).


That was the post BATTLE MAGE SECRETS for this time. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read. See you in the next post....

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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

