What Cards Am I Stacking?

If you've watched any of my streams with Gank on SHQ YouTube, then you know that I am very bullish about this summer and the changes and updates coming to the game.

I think we are in for a great summer, and espcially with the new changes, there will be a lot of opportunity.

With the new ranked rewards, there is a benefit to leveling up cards now. There will be a better chance of renting leveled up cards at a higher price and there is a lot of potential value in the marketplace right now.

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I see a lot of cards that are literally worth more than they are priced. Not only the amount you get for owning assets in the 60 days that remain in the SPS airdop, but cards that can be rented out and where you can get your money back after a relativly short amount of time.

So for me, the cards that I am stacking are...

Pelacore Mercenary. I have a few maxed at this point and I am renting all of them for at least 20 - 30 DEC a day. Hopefully as the market moves up I will be able to move up the price. In just a few short months, I will have paid for the cards.

Pelacore Mercernary GOLD - I love the gold cards and they have been very cheap lately. This is another one that I am stacking. I have two maxed and wokign on more.

Finding cards that I can max and grow is helping my CP and it is helping my rentals. What do you think about my strategy? Let me know in the comments.

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I grabbed a max Disintegrator under $100 the other day. I was thinking of stacking more for rentals. Either that or Venari Knifer. So many ways to go :)


I am bullish of several rewards cards. I think so mainstays to consider are Sandworm and Goblin Mech. If you can stack them for under a $1 a pop, I think you'll be in good position for rentals and value growth down the track. I also look at cards that are yet to have big impact from summoners. EG How would a +1 attack life summoner impact your melee card investment potential or +1 Fire Magic if one is released. Purely on investment your best chances for maximum growth will obviously lay with the cheapest cards where room to grow is enormous and even despite significant numbers, the reality is at some point most cards will hit $1+ per bcx. It's identifying which ones will do so sooner than others which is the trickier task to further your growth. But I do believe if you look at similar cards and pop limits, that is probably where the pops need to be to achieve that value verses demand. E.G Pelacor mercenary probably wont hit $1 per bcx until it's pop limit reaches a sub 100k scenario which will happen one day but it may be some time (likely 3-5 years min) unless of course we see another massive uptake in active players. They other thing to consider that I think throws a spanner in anything I have said is the use of cards on Landplots. Once landplots become active CP will likely be a massive incentive in generation of spells and items which would send extreme demand for low priced CP and hence cards like the the Mercenary and drive up value.
