beeswap fees .45% both ways

Looks like beeswap has adjusted its fees again and this time there is not rebate for the period and both withdrawal and deposit are .45%. Those fees add up so best to make as little transitions as possible as well as swaps especially with the lower liquidity in the pools as the incentives are not as high which is not as attractive now compared to say just allocating to the eth/usdc LP with high volume and much steadier fees in narrow and wide ranges for example a narrow actively managed and watched position can make a few thousand % a hour you just need to make sure it is not a volatile time and that you can manage to keep the position balanced in the range and if you do it will earn some serious fees. If you take a few grand you can make a couple dollars a hour and bump that up to say 50K a position you can deff make more as scaling to that is not much different in the highly liquid pairs like ETH. Also the SPS and DEC pairs are more volatile mostly the SPS LP and the pools lately for DEC has kind of stalled out of swaps it appears not many people are swapping right now as my fees earned were 1.58 and took a few days when it was doing 4-6 in a day a month ago which was 200-800% APR. Since everything is down now I am guessing not many people are trading or buying things with SPS at the lowest its been and DEC pretty low it self it makes everything more expensive or the assets might drop to accommodate the new level.

My strategy is buy back the remaining SPS I wanted to get to be allowed in the channel with my registered account and thats only like 30-40K SPS and with land Id have that in a few weeks as well and once it hits 250000 I will switch to renting if I ever need any more SPS as 250,000 is as much as im willing to risk right now in the conditions the market is in. I got lucky and dumped my nodes at 800-1000 dollars now there barely 200 and I still kept one to hold as that is really all i need anything else is to much risk right now as I wont be a top validator or come close anymore, maybe before but not now with out the few million SPS either so I may be better off selling if nodes pop and just convert to SPS stake or items for land to improve production on the runi super boosted plots I have. The only plots I am going to work on getting maxed will be those and any other plots will be used for storage, rentals and grain production if needed. The other plots will be leveled with and cards with pp over 10000 and up to about 40000 is my highest in one slot. As soon as I can afford the cards, totems and titles with the money I make in game or half of it I will be upgrading my 6 runi plots so all the SPS plots are around 10 a hour for 30 per hour instead of 11 per hour as of now but all the upgrades must be cheap as the extra cost at these prices is just not worth the risk of buying high for land, totems, cards, and titles. At least GLINT can get me some titles eventually which even the 25% title would increase a maxed 100k base pp plot of close an extra 25K in PP and if you add a 50% title you get a extra 50K which are two pretty expensive cards and getting a leg totem would add another 100K in pp to it and push your multiplier up towards 4 instead of mid twos. I think my strategy will be to first focus on the ancillary items if i can make a good deal as they will provide the most benefit for the least cost and can provide benefits on all 6 plots and I have some higher quality plots like a leg , epic, epic magic, common occ 3, common magic 3, Rare 5 and common the rest and a mythical - keep. I will be taking some of the PP from the grain plots that are not the main ones and pull a few of the higher pp cards to put them on the epic dragon plot to get moving on research as it will i guess do something in game that will be valuable earlier now so at least I have plenty of the plots to get ready and some will be ready in say 50 days but at least i wont need to pay for them and I wont be able to fill them anyway until then unless rewards are more valuable and the markets rip up taking prices of the tokens with it and hopefully allowing for a small delay in card repricing where you can go grab cards before they get repriced as well as the same with other assets on HE which is why im looking into the bot that trades on the internal dex to auto adjust the LP instead of ahving to adj my self.
