DBank XP for Airdrop for DBank Token


Check out DBank to keep track of all of your current positions on top chains and many more newer chains as well so it is a powerful tool to manage your portfolio as well as see detail behind it such as transaction detail for all wallets you have and you can create a bundle as well to see multiple wallets at once and gain access to premium features if you want additional information that is more detailed then you can pay for the VIP which you do not need but minting a web3 id gives you access to some features permanently and lets you customize your portfolio more and see some additional data in between the VIP and the basic versions. At some point the XP will be eligible for the DBank airdrop for its native token its launching and I am currently in the top 150 people for initial XP for the drop of XP and will continue to earn additional XP until the points convert to a allocation of the DBank token which could prove to be profitable just like the other ones this year I have participated in and hopefully be in the 400 to 2000 dollar range if the points I get translate to a large airdrop that will be a nice suprise but I use this any way so might as well maximize points by contributing posts to the social feed from all my posts on hive shortened in tweet form using AI which is helpful for doing such things and taking HIVE posts I make and use AI to re write them for other platforms that are more AI friendly for rewards and things and use my original content over and over again on these other platforms and streamline it to farm votes on these platforms by posting a ton of post variations as well as adapt to popular topics on each platform to ensure I get the most votes that I can then use to fund additional crypto purchases in various core holdings like BTC, ETH, BNB, and Stables as half put in high yield stable coin lps and other protocols that are steady with rates for the stables and utilize various lending platforms to get incentives by using some of the deposits on newer projects with most on battle tested protocols to be safer and some allocation to use to farm rewards on newer platforms like Zero Lend which is a fork of AAVE. There are other forks on different chains that are dropping dao units as well that are similar to protocols on different chains like FLEX Perpetuals is partnered with HMX and they are instead operating on BASE where HMX does not operate and they have a revenue share with HMX to use there protocol and I hope that some share of that revenue goes to HMX DAO unit stakers as part of the revenue share. I also invested in the seed round of the FLEX sale on Arbitrum as it also operates there which are two chains that HMX is not operating on and likely why they are partnering. I will be asking HMX about further details and if there will be a airdrop of FLEX to HMX holders which would be a great catalyst for the HMX token which is down lately and would likely spike it up back into the 6 dollar range where I would cash out some as I have two new seed investments in a DEX and in FLEX so to lower my allocation and exposure to risk I will look to unstake some of my HMX into strength when a catalyst comes like additional airdrops and the new proposal goes into effect to boost the token price. If they also incentivize HMX staking with additional ZK drops or ARB drops or PYTH drops then the token will also jump and give a good sell spot to reduce the position to around 1000 dollars and take the proceeds from the airdrops and use them as collateral on HMX and then short a equal amount to capture funding fees. Also part of the sale will go into core holdings with half being stables and half being core holdings as well as investments into non evm chains like solana and a few others.

Airdrop farming this year has been a good source of income and if I had known about the last two I qualified for I could have gotten probably 10x that bc I could have increased my HMX trades as I get esHMX and PYTH airdrops plus on top of that would have gotten ZRO which I spent .1 per ZRO and the price was about 3.5 so profit of 3.4 per at the date I got the drop. Getting additional ZERO as most of my activity was from HMX could have let me trade and try to just break even with trades or even lose a little is ok as long as the ZRO earned extra would be more than the cost and I think it would have been as most of my ZRO was from HMX activity. If I knew ZK was going to have such a large drop where if I had claimed on day one I would have gotten 2k and when I did claim it was 1300 dollars. If I focused on ZKSYNC longer than a month or two for liquidity earlier in the year I could have gotten a huge allocation compared to this one possibly in the top tier which was in the 10s of thousands and more. There were a few flops which I did not get much which were BLAST so far I only got 10 dollars in BLAST but should be getting more. ZERO I will be getting about 50 dollars in ZERO which is down from 200 bc of the manta claiming issue and I did not get as much bc I discovered it to late into the earlyzero airdrop so I only got like 10000 earlyzero and 200K zero from supplying and lending. What I will be looking for in the future is getting in early to airdrops that I have researched and farm them a bit more and a bit more strategically for example RDNT is offering on weETH RDNT, ARB, and points for various protocols. Also adding deposits on Lineas DAPPs will get you LXP-l for the Linea airdrop so I will be looking for other airdrops on Linea or opportunities to double or triple up on the Linea drop along with the drop of a DEX or protocols dao units.

I am also farming gaming tokens in order to expand into new games other than Splinterlands to diversify my holdings and continue to earn in SPL and switch my focus to land within the game as I think wild cards will remain low and have a price cap based on the PP they produce as that is what they will be really valued in as most will be going on land instead of playing in wild for many cards that would be more productive on land and with land renting for cards and land plots it will make it a much more flexible earning machine for me in the game as it is meant to give utility to older cards and create resource markets and staking requirements to eat up the DEC supply and you can use that to stake DEC on plots when DEC is low and then unstake DEC when its high for the lower producing plots and use the higher dec to buy better upgrades and then earn the DEC over again for the land and repeat but expand to additional high pp plots which is the way to do land as you can get much more bang for your dollars spent on PP as I have 6 RUNIs that I will be trying to maximize those plots only first and focus them on producing the highest level asset it can produce to sell on the markets for DEC and once the PP is maxed out using the titles and totem upgrades as well as additional high pp card upgrades over time. I can likely expand my PP form about a millon over all to 2 million plus maybe more by maxing out each of the plots with a base 100K plus runi pp on them with maxed boosts on legendary and epic plots as well as common sps and dragon plots for the magic focus and I have 3 SPS plots which will become something else rare in 2.0 and the magic plots for Dragon will likely be the most valuable and having a EPIC dragon plot will produce high quality resources. I will probably rent out the other magic cards and possibly acquire additional dragon cards as well as a legendary grain plot if the prices go down a bit more so I can secure a legendary grain plot which will be my main grain production, I have a leg wood plot to produce wood, a epic plot to produce ore and occupied to produce the rare resources as well as the keep to produce the trifoil runes which are some of the most valuable and needed to produce the items and spell cards which we can then sell in the market and customize as well as have diff qualities based on the plots used to produce them. The epic dragon plot should produce some nice quality as should the rest of the plots that I will be maxing out with cards as I earn them in the game with battles SPS, rental DEC, LP dec, HIVE delegations to Splinterboost daily distributions of HIVE for all my HP and also the various payouts I get on hive for articles which will be much higher once I start posting on a variety of sites with less strict rules and can monetize a lot more using automation as well as have automated posting of template posts with affiliate links talking about different protocols and games as well as other useful tools and providing all the links for a relevant article as well as a big link to all interesting protocols which will be a link to a webpage that has a list of all my links with descriptions and articles about the basics which is what the AI will base all of my posts off of except the one on HIVE which will be the original post from my blog that I write so I cant get downvoted for plagiarism and just AI post the shit out of things on steem for sure. The goal is to post 1000 posts a day to blockchain platforms where you can earn and additionally branch those posts out to traditional social media so I can post once and say automated processes will turn that post into 100 posts ready to copy and paste into the different platforms and accounts on those platforms. Also will use AI to re write posts on the topics of high earning posts as well as tell it to comment on these posts and likely get responses and further followers if I can integrate the bot to auto answer comments using a command to put the question or comment in quotes and say to the AI respond to this in quotes in a casual and vague manor so that the response could be to many posts and also come up with generic question response to common questions or comments and generate hundreds of them so I can utilize them over and over but in different comments without needing to think about it and each comment will have a link to my webpage of referrals as well as any other relevant links. There will be a gaming section with all my splinterlands links and tools I have found over the years with various tips and tricks as well. My main goal is to increase cash flow without bothering the stict hive rules about AI by utilizing other platforms for that as I do not care what I post on steem as long as it makes money and if a million pictures of cats make money then thats what will be posted so I can use it to buy additional gaming assets as all blogging income will go into gaming assets for SPL and into market making positions for other games like ILV/ETH , GODS/ETH TLM/ETH AXS/ETH and various other games DAO units that will be used to manage LP pairs and or staking if allowed and if staking is allowed funds will be split half and half between staking and LPs in the beginning and the LP will be used to fund the staking pool and the staking rewards will be plowed back into the LP using the LP fees and the eth or usdc fees in the pair until the amount grows to a amount that is able to support me playing the game with its cash flow only from staking and market making fees. I will also earn the initial tokens by making markets in more stable pairs like ETH/USDC where you can earn a lot more fees in a short period of time using concentrated liquidity as long as you monitor it. The first gaming token I will be adding to the LPs is IMX on IMX on IMXzkEVM in order to be able to get a larger position in IMX the token that many of these games are built on that I will be playing and the fees are very low on this chain. Also will be playing Splinterroyale on base to get in early for a very low amount of packs maybe 100 dollars worth and just play to get good early and climb the leader board early on as well as have the inital alpha packs. I also want to be airdropped INF the governance token which is dropped i believe based on your play and that will incentivize me to play daily to earn the DAO units and then make the market for them and eventually switch my focus to making the markets and renting out assets like I will be doing in soul keep as the asset rental markets are much better so far. I have yet to combine all my cards but the ones I have combined are renting way better than SPL cards and for much higher prices due to the limited print I am guessing. I might end up buying additional soul keep packs to open using my daily HIVE as well as SPL packs for RIFT as they will likely go up in price once the rebellion drops are done and people may sell packs for rift packs at that point which is when I will be buying rebellion's packs when they likely dump after the conflicts end so I can hold packs for appreciation and buy a few cards that are key to the set and rent out good if I can get them cheap. My whole approach will be changed to a more passive approach focused on getting cash flow out of land as well as building it up and renting out my cards for the most possible as well as running my bot on break even in order to farm soul bound rewards and glint where i can buy titles with it enhancing my land cash flow.
