LORDS FORSAKEN 4th play test - players picing up and rewards are good for the leaderboard

Lords Forsaken is hosting another play test to market the game more and we already have a lot of new ppl in here probably double in 2 days and the top prizes are attainable again as i had the second last time with the 1500 rating which is super hard to get and only one got to me and beat me i didn't want to risk losing and dropping 50 points so I just kept the 2 gfl and the mint along with the 1000 faith about 15 bucks. The 4ths test ends in 2 weeks. So come and play with the growling community and play test while you can earn for free no cost in at all in the play test. The promo is something you deff would want going to be rare as well as the cards they go all the way down to 20 so basically anyone who tires will get one unless your really bad.

These nfts will give you a huge advantage and more earning power in game. The gold cards i will also likely get in the top three again as i will play until i get there and can pull ahead of the pack and level up those golds more or if i dont make it get the three regulars at least.

This time there is a count down so ppl know when it ends and the rewards are the same and there will likely be another one after this one as well so i would expect the same rewards and maybe diff carts not sure but you could be getting some very high power cards that would make getting packs less of a cost int the beg as you have your promo and legendary golds which are strong.
