LYNEX Rewards for holding FAITH.WETH

So far my earnings from Lords Forsaken are the 100 FAITH from test round 2 which is a few dollars, for test season 3 I am in second place and will hopefully get to 1st by time it closes in order to get the 3 gold foil legendary cards which will be very rare as the pack print is small only 100,000 packs of 5 cards and the gold legendary drop rate combined with the legendary drop rate means very few of these as well as the promo card anyone can get by being at a ELO rating of 1200 which should only take you a hour or two of grinding on the practice mode which gives you ELO during the test sessions for the leaderboard so you can play against fairly easy bots to get 1200 pretty fast which will give you a advantage when the game starts on mainnet as you will have a NFT no one else will have and will be one of very few as there are only a few hundred accounts right now and only 10 so far qualify for the NFT this cycle for 1200 for the ELO rating drop.
Anyone can get the drop by reaching 1200 ELO so might want to check it out and if you can climb the leaderboards you can win additional legendary cards regular foil for all but the top 3 which are gold foil with 500 - 2000 FAITH as a reward which is worth 7.5-30 dollars not including any NFTs dropped which will be able to be held and used or sold on the market for FAITH which can be used to buy card packs but I am planning on holding all of my drops for the NFTs and using my FAITH likely 1000 faith to buy additional packs to open and use with the 10 packs I have received from helping out with testing a bit more than others. If i get to the number one spot i will put half the FAITH in the LP and keep letting it grow to use to buy additional cards and packs for my collection and building it up from the ground up. One of the few games you do not need to make a initial investment in right away to play and earn a little bit but you will need to buy cards and own them for now to earn more. Eventually a rental market will be in place allowing rentals which is where renting out the special NFTs and gold nFTs could be a good plan to hold them and as the games players increase on mainnet bc you can earn everyday then the NFTs will get a boost in value. If they go up in value anything like SPL had exploded in price in the past its worth getting the testing NFTs for sure and using any rewards to either supply liquidity or use to buy more packs so you can earn additional FAITH at higher rates. The best strategy would be to buy a few packs to get the regular foil cards as many as you can get for copies and your promo nft plus any gold foil I win will be a strong enough deck to compete at the beginning and keep earning and advancing my deck to stay high in the leaderboards and win as much faith as possible with most being adding to liquidity as well as re invest in the collection for the first 6 months then depending on the state of the game and the economy plus asset prices I might start looking to sell some of the duplicates I have or maybe one of the gold nfts or two depending if they are duplicate copies then i will likely sell one if prices command what i think is a good value or its enough to get a bunch of packs and get my deck in a much stronger place at hopefully the value of one of the gold NFTs I earn or the promo NFT depending but I will only sell duplicates unless the amounts are crazy in value like say it hits 1000 dollars for one then i would likely sell all but one and buy packs as well as take a profit on half put the half into eth and borrow grai for the gravitas and lxp-l drops while adding the grai to the safety module that upon liquidations gives you assets liquidated at a 10-20% discount from FMV using GRAI to purchase it. You can then take the assets and sell them or lock them up in the protocol and borrow more grai or hold depending on the vessels health rate as you dont want to high of a LTV so you dont get liquidated and keep your loans active as they charge no more interest after the prepaid fee so it makes sense to leave open as long as possible or add collaterol if you plan on holding eth you might as well add weth or a lst, lrt version of eth to borrow against as well as earn fees to pay back the borrowing cost and once paid back its pure profit and there will be no more borrowing cost. When grai is minted it gives value to the protocol in fees which it can put to work in its treasury and when they airdrop the token at 20 million grai the treasury will hopefully have a good robust amount in it and the drop ends up being worth a decent amount in the gravitas native token. It could be a good opportunity for people to get in early on a protocol that is growing built on a popular growing l2 evm chain that has low costs. The LXP-L airdrop will continue to attract people to linea and gravitas as well and it is expected to drop lxp-l points for a while. You can also maximize that with other protocols airdrops.

Anyone who plays Splinterlands or had in the early days may like to try this game as it can be played along with Splinterlands and could be a opportunity to build up a collection like early Splinterlands users did for relatively no cost if you play during the test time as well as you will be able to play at no cost to begin with but earnings will be limited if you do not have any assets for the game to play with so you will need some card packs or buy individual cards on the market place. Playing the two games at the same time can give you a break from one to the other as well and some earnings could be used to help earn more to also upgrade your SPL deck depending and you can look at the markets between both games and when lfs cards are a good buy then buy those or when SPL cards or assets are a good buy add that instead and also add additional gaming investments in games that airdrop tokens or assets to players that are early and use those to build up various gaming asset stakes that can be sold or traded and always use all the earnings to reinvest in the game that looks to be the most undervalued at the time using all the gaming earnings. Also gaming earnings will at first be heavily re invested into both lps and cards to get sustainable cash flow to earn back any costs then keep playing and earning and once rentals are available rent all the cards out and sell any cards that do not rent well since as soon as rentals can be done I will rent my good cards and if possible rent the rest depending on ROI or use them to keep playing or if the functionality is available use to delegate some of the rare cards like gold nfts and promo nft to players for a split of winnings or rent. May also do a rent to own assets for the game as well and try it out in SPL by having a rent to own program where the rents are a fixed amount for a certain time with a buy option baked in that allows the person to buy into the asset they have been renting for a certain price regardless of market price and it will be set at a price I want to profit at in total including rents. Also would like to bring online a liquid staking contract for SPS and charge a fee in the form of reduced rewards paid out in liquid SPS or DEC or both. The liquid Staked SPS token would be backed 1/1 with staked SPS and also use some of the profits as well as initial capital to invest in LPs for SPS and DEC as well as land for SPS and or DEC as well if the prices and returns make sense and are more than the SPS staking rewards so that more SPS can be staked increasing the ability to issue more staked sps to people who want to have a tradeable version of the token and are willing to give up some of the staking rewards for the ability to trade it and also keep earning and not have the tokens in LPs. After all SPS is backed 1/1 the usdc-dec lp will be used as well as using HBD as well as in other stable coins like usdc etc deposited in protocols offering higher APRs or similar APRs to what you get staking SPS but in non hive or spl related earning opportunities which allows you to capitalize on the various exchange rates between the tokens. If holding USDC in various protocols was utilized by someone only using earnings to invest in the game they could invest say 10K in many protocols and use only the income say between 10-30% depending on where you put the capital and how much risk you want to take. Either way you would use say 2000 dollars per year if you get 20% to fund any gaming assets and expenses and your earnings will then be based on the fluctuation of value in the assets rolled into and since it would only be with income you wont lose any money other than gains keeping principle intact and safe. You could even get into non gaming lps and other assets like btc etc if you want to take more risk but likely get more profits and use a combination of eth, btc , bnb and stables as major holdings for reserve assets. Can take market neutral positions on various perp dexes as well as use options and options market maker protocols to earn additional fees. Pancake swap looks like it has a interesting options clamm protocol that allows you to earn on options and if the liquidity is not used currently in options it gets deposited in the regular LP to earn the base yield on that plus you get a bonus on any options fees. You can also use options to buy puts and calls to hedge price action with much less cost for x amount of time. At some point I will be using options to buy and sell both puts and calls to hedge as well as use to acquire assets less the premium taken in so you can get things cheaper at the price you want. Having hedging in place at the right times can greatly help your portfolio as well using them to buy lower and sell higher as well as protect earnings from trades or long holds if you do not want to sell but dont want to lose more than x amount you can keep hedging at x price so it guarantees you that profit while not losing the upside. Option premiums in addition of fees from swaps will make adding liquidity more profitable with the additional fees and also dynamic liquidity provision where you have it set up to change the parameters based on a algo are very interesting as they can use various indicators to more efficiently earn fees on v3 lps.
