RE: Half the Fun

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I sell a portion no matter what everyday and also keep a portion so i can pull out my cost bc there is nothing that makes me think were going to go up very far in the near future. I was lucky and sold a few millon a while back in SPS to downsize to a few hundred K sps and also selling my HIVE as it is better off deployed in other protacols and to just have a little and blog on many diff platforms liek double your articles up on hive and steem get both. I got lucky with HIVE and got 25000 in the fork and sold it close to a buck the bought back lol same with SPS I own shares so I got allocated 25K sps when it went to a buck sold that and bought back later for much less but still I think im under water on it still as i put another 45k in later and that declined quite a bit before I sold lucky I did or i would be really screwed lol. Overall had a lot of gains but the long bear market killed alot of that off. The other games also should have never been made until later on when the comapny was stonger bc it was to much for the player base to handle I remember thinking how can they profit off all these with no extra demand coming in. Thats when I started to de risk my portfolio and it was a big one so took me a while and its still not where i want it to be more comfortable but the mkt is so bad now for cards im not seelling those but just a good portion of SPS from land every week to turn to BNB and BTC. Also if cards spike I sell extras off for dec and hold that in the USDC DEC LP if its under peg to generate more dec at a high rate and sell it when it fluctuates up. Also sell as much grain as possible before prices keep getting worse for it they already are down to 60 from 50 grain per DEC so I sell my excess grain every day and use the dec that i retain to build my land and the LP and sell the rest when it is a good price. I figure ill get all my cost out then once that happens if it does or if I can cash out part of my stock to get my cost back either way then once that happens ill probably stop selling and use most ot re invest and build again but only once i have no principle at risk and have covered any loss in value. if we get binance it will be the way to re adjust the portfolio all at once into strength and sell the necessary assets into a pump which is probably what many will do and are waiting for. The players left now are mostly investors with large portfolios and people playing to earn a living or supplement there income in lower cost countries and we need the player who plays for fun and doesnt really care much about rewards or taking rewards out of the game like a normal video game works we need to have that steady demand of money coming in from players like that to sustain the people making money and pulling it out bc we will always have that in crpyto games otherwise you might as well go play xbox the graphics are much better and games are much better. The reason ppl play web 3 games are to own the assets and make money off them while also having fun playing a game. Many games would not be played if they did not have the money making aspect to them. Even old TCGs people were motivated by money or improving the value of there collection to later sell like pokemon.

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I agree with your thoughts. You are a good investor and trader.
