SPS Performance


If you had bought SPS about a year ago you would be down vs the USD about 60% and down vs BTC and ETH much more as you can see by the graph. The graph does not take staking into account or rental income or battle income which replaces rental income if you do not rent out SPS. If you held ETH for the last year you would be up 120% compared to SPS approx and 150% if you had held BTC.

Up until about March though SPS had kept up with btc and eths price changes but was a bit more volatile and did out perform in some cases if assuming you bought in the beg of the time frame ish in the first few months there DCAing in would have produced a much larger gain tha BTC faster but later on BTC steadily catches up as SPS fluctuated wildly. The sell off which took the market cap of SPS to below 10 million for the first time from over 20 million at the beg of the period and at the start of SPS being released the market cap was 100-200 million which was 10X-20X the market cap now if the DAO had even put 25% of its SPS holdings into stables then the market likely could have handled a slow sell off of some of the holdings over the entire time period and the DAO could have build a robust treasury of stable coins as well as BTC and ETH which would have left the DAO in potentially a good position to day if it had say 25 million in stable coins it could take the interest on just that say at 10% or so from AAVE or something similar and make 2.5 million per year on just the stables plus it would have the remaining SPS left which would be overall worth a hell of a lot more as there would be a value to the DAO units as well on top of the stables and with say 2.5 million in annual revenue the DAO could have possibly done what it was ment to do with a perpetual funding of say 1.5 million and re invest 1 million back into the DAO for unit buybacks and adding to the treasury by using that to buy BTC and ETH at good times so the DAO always continued to build up its treasury while being able to use about 1.5 million or so a year to spend on the items it was intended to spend money on such as sets for cards, subsidizing splinterfest, use of funds for anything to attract new players and upgrade the game and do all of that while still hording away a additional million or so to maybe take half to buy back units of SPS and burn them and half to increase the treasury with BTC, ETH and additional stables so that cash flow always goes up and net assets will likely fluctuate due to the rest of the assets being non stables in the dao which would be a healthy DAO instead of now where it is in a much worse spot to be able to help out funding various things that it deffinately could have done if it had locked in some profit on its token offering back then and used that money to responsibly grow the net value of the dao treasury so that in moments like this the DAO could assist in funding new sets and costs of the validators etc with no issues what so ever to its cash flow.

Now we need to conserve cash and thoughtfully use any cash and cash flow we have to ensure the game keeps doing well and that the DAO starts covering the costs associated with it as well as being in a position to pay the company to develop new card sets like it was envisioned and the costs and revenue would be split through a rev share just like we did before. If we can get another set sold and partner with SPL to do it along with a big marketing push for this set the DAO could potentially get a nice windfall to the treasury in which it should immediately put to work in stables and other more blue chip assets like BTC and ETH in order to stabilize the DAO price as well as let it have some breathing room and start generating cash flow which it will need in a few years to cover rewards in SPS for validators and for ranked etc. It would be wise to make the units worth more so it can pay out less units for rewards allowing the DAO to extend its runway of rewards substantially if it can turn around its treasury get it cash flowing and use it to buy back SPS as one of the methods to boost price as well as get SPS back that it can release later for rewards again and likely at a higher price if it can pull it off then if its at a higher price it will last much longer as the units would need less to be released for rewards to make players happy and the DAO could be selling some units into rallys so it can build up the treasury more in stables as well but not crazy selling a nice controlled sell that wont impact the markets or it could sell its units otc in large blocks to not impact the market with the trades and find people who want to buy more and have a day of the month that it offers direct sells of SPS at the market price with no fees but the payment must be cash which would bring stable coins into the treasury as well as some cash it would need to pay bills as many people dont accept crypto yet.


ugh dont remind us :/ pooor perfromance
