Why ? Why ? Why ? ( First fight of Brawl #5 )
.....and Night guys.
It's me Winston again.
This is my first opponent.
And more detail of the fight https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sm_nbHzEQuXSDxPdyjZIz88&ref=winston3992
I saw my fight and when i saw that i lost my Peryton ( I placed it at the end to counter Sneak rule ) i thought ok it's over and i ended fight. Suddenly i saw i won lol.( No wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy )
I just want to share my joy and my luck to everyone, not to humiliate him or anyone when i posted his name.
First fight , first lucky. Hope i can get a perfect 9/9 this time hehe.
Thanks for reading guys !
Have a nice day all !
3.311 SPT
Sometimes better lucky than good :)