Life without electricity

Living in a world without electricity might seem unimaginable to many of us today, but for generations, people lived, loved, and survived without it. I'll use my country for example (Nigeria).
Though we have electricity butvthere are sometimes when we would have power outage for weeks ,yet we survive.there are even some communities that has been without electricity for over 15 to 25 years. That doesn't mean one won't be able to survive without electricity.

Before the introduction of technology as well as electricity,Children play simple games with sticks and stones. They don't miss video games or television because they've never known them. Their entertainment comes from stories told by elders. they beat drums during festivals, thry hunt with tools made feom bones and stones.

Men and women work in the fields, planting crops and rearing livestocks. Their tools are simple(hoes, machetes, and their own strong hands). The work is hard, but there's a sense of passion and connection to the land.

In the evenings, families gather around fires. Grandparents share tales of ancestors and legends, passing down wisdom and culture. Without the distraction of phones or computers, they talk, really talk, getting to know each other.

On market days, the village comes alive with color and noise. People trade good and gossip. News travels by word of mouth, each story growing with each retelling.

Life moves at a slower pace, but relationships and families love are deep and meaningful. Without the constant buzzing of technology, people are more present in each moment. They listen to each other, really listen, and communicate face-to-face.

Hardships exists, sickness can be more dangerous without modern medicine, and information doesn't travel as quickly. But people rely on traditional knowledge, herbal remedies, and the strength of their community to overcome challenges.

There's a different kind of richness to life – one measured in relationships, stories, and shared experiences rather than material possessions. People find joy in simple pleasures – the taste of fresh fruit, the coolness of a stream on a hot day, the comfort of a loved one's embrace.

In this world without electricity, love isn't about grand gestures or expensive gifts. It's about being there for each other, working side by side, and finding beauty in the everyday moments. It's about the warmth of human connection, unfiltered by screens or distance.

While we might miss some modern comforts, this simpler life offers its own kind of richness. It reminds us that at its core, love is about human connection, shared experiences, and the ability to find joy and meaning in life's simple moments. In many ways, a world without electricity might allow love to shine even brighter.

Image is mine


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My mother grew up in a small country house without electricity, today all communities have electricity and it is difficult to imagine how difficult it was in the past for some things such as health and food conservation. In my country there are electricity problems but there are blackouts for hours, I understand that it is difficult. Greetings



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