Una batalla de iguales ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ A battle of equalsโ˜ ๏ธ ๐Ÿฒ๐ŸŒŠโœจ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ”ฅ Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!


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Hola a toda la comunidad de splinterlands, este dรญa quiero compartir con todos ustedes sobre una batalla bastante similar, ya que los monstruos utilizados en la misma no solamente son del mismo elemento, sino que algunos se podrรญa decir que compiten al mismo nivel en cuanto a sus caracterรญsticas.

Hello to the entire splinterlands community, today I want to share with all of you about a battle that is quite similar, as the monsters used in it are not only of the same element, but some could say they compete at the same level in terms of their characteristics.


Battle ID

Podemos ver que el adversario tiene bastantes monstruos dorados, a mi parecer querer utilizar este tipo de monstruos puede ser en cierta forma perjudicial, ya que no estรกn a un nivel alto y para poder tener una mayor recompensa se utiliza, solamente tiene dos de nivel regular porque incluso en invocador es dorado.

En mi caso decidรญ utilizar de tanque a Legionnaire Alvar, una carta bastante poderosa que ademรกs posee un escudo contra los ataques mรกgicos, esto sin duda es una estrategia que tome en cuenta desde el primer momento en que elegรญ las cartas.

We can see that the opponent has quite a few golden monsters, in my opinion wanting to use this type of monsters can be somewhat detrimental, as they are not at a high level and to be able to have a greater reward is used, they only have two regular level because even in summoner is golden.

In my case I decided to use Legionnaire Alvar as a tank, a very powerful card that also has a shield against magical attacks, this is undoubtedly a strategy that I took into account from the first moment I chose the cards.


Desde la ronda 1 se puede ver un aumento del escudo de ambos equipos, ya que este invocador potencia tanto el escudo como la velocidad, cabe destacar que la carta Swap Spitter ayuda muchรญsimo puesto que su habilidad de restaurar escudo es bien utilizada en estas rondas.

Since round 1, an increase in shield for both teams can be seen, as this summoner enhances both shield and speed. It is worth noting that the Swap Spitter card is very helpful as its ability to restore shield is well used in these rounds.

Cabe destacar que no solamente se protege contra ataques mรกgicos, sino que tambiรฉn reduce el ataque cuerpo a cuerpo y en el caso del adversario se le reduce a 3 enemigos, los cuales al colocar 1 de tanque de tan bajo nivel de ataque prรกcticamente resulta fรกcil ver que serรกn derrotados fรกcilmente, de 5 puntos de ataque que tenรญa al principio se redujo a 3, eso sรญ tomando en cuenta que el ataque mรกgico de Nerissa Tridawn podrรญa haber hecho que mi carta pereciera, pero al estar tener ese escudo mรกgico le costรณ muchรญsimo destruir a mi tanque.

It should be noted that it not only protects against magical attacks, but also reduces melee attacks, and in the case of the opponent, it reduces them to 3 enemies, which when placing 1 of such a low-level attack tank, it is practically easy to see that they will be defeated easily, from 5 attack points that he had at the beginning, it was reduced to 3. Taking into account that Nerissa Tridawn's magical attack could have caused my card to perish, but having that magical shield made it very difficult to destroy my tank.

Otra carta que quiero destacar que me costรณ un poco subirla de nivel es a River Hellondale, la misma posee un buen nivel de ataque, sin embargo, su exigencia de manรก es algo que a veces no ayuda mucho en batalla, su capacidad de potenciar los ataques de monstruos cuerpo a cuerpo en todo el equipo ayudรณ bastante en que estaba talla ademรกs de poder resucitar a mi tanque y como lo mencionรฉ anteriormente al poseer este un escudo anti magia pude ayudar muchรญsimo a mi equipo se mantuviera en pie.

Another card that I want to highlight that took me a little effort to level up is River Hellondale, it has a good level of attack, however, its mana requirement is sometimes not very helpful in battle, its ability to boost the attacks of melee monsters throughout the team helped a lot in the battle, as well as being able to resurrect my tank and as I mentioned earlier by having an anti-magic shield this card was able to help my team stay on their feet.


Hay momentos en los que los monstruos se pueden complementar unos con otros sรญ piensas muy bien la estrategia, en este caso al ser con cartas impares sea รฉl notar que hay cartas que pueden hacer sinergia entre ellas, logrando una buena combinaciรณn que ayude muchรญsimo al equipo, en mi casa tambiรฉn utilicรฉ una carta que ataca desde la รบltima posiciรณn ademรกs de aplicar veneno y ser potenciada con ataque cuerpo a cuerpo ayudรณ muchรญsimo a que esta batalla se diera mucho mรกs fรกcil logrando asรญ llevarnos a la victoria.

En el caso del adversario pienso que utilizar tantas cartas doradas fue su mayor perdiciรณn, tambiรฉn en el ataque mรกgico con exigencia de tanto manรก, puede ser a veces perjudicial para el equipo, pues dependes de esas cartas y hay que tomar en cuenta que a veces no son una buena opciรณn.

There are moments when monsters can complement each other if you think through the strategy very well, in this case being odd cards it is worth noting that there are cards that can synergize with each other, achieving a good combination that helps the team a lot, in my case I also used a card that attacks from the last position as well as applying poison and being boosted with melee attack helped a lot in making this battle much easier, thus leading us to victory.

In the case of the opponent, I think that using so many gold cards was their biggest downfall, also magical attacks with such a high mana requirement can sometimes be detrimental to the team, as you depend on those cards and it should be taken into account that sometimes they are not a good option.


Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

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invocador nivel 8 vs nivel 2 pequeรฑa diferencia :D
