What A Cool Pussy

Good morning folks, thanks for joining me today

Today's coin is a 25 Cents Canadian coin from 1967.

25 cents (2).jpg

The front of the coin has a Canadian Lynx rurrounded by the face value and inscription.

Reverse of the coin: Queen Elizabeth II at 37 years of age wearing a tiara
Year: 1967
Value: 25 Cents
Currency: Dollar
Silver: .500
Weight: 5.05 grams
Diameter: 23.88mm
Thickness: 1.76mm

25 cents (1).jpg

So this coin was a bit of a bugger for me. They either come in 80% silver with 20% copper OR they come in 50% silver and 50% copper.

I don't own a Sigma machine but I do own a coin slide and a pinger. Still not used to the pinger so I went all out with the slide.
I came to the decision that it's 50% silver due to the speed was a bit quicker than one of my 80% silver coins. Though the size difference of them both was huge so it is currently up in the air if it is 50% silver or not.
I couldn't even check the diameter as they are both the same annoyingly. This would have reinforced my decision on silver content.
Either way I am really happy with this coin as I might have a more valuable one than I originally thought. Time will tell with this once I get better at testing.

I picked this coin up as part of a set of 5 other Canadian coins commemorating the 100th anniversary of Canada.

Minted by the Royal Canadian Mint of Ottawa which is still producing quality coins to this date.

If you are interested in other cool coins in my collection check these out:
50 Cents
25 cents

If you are interested in finding out more about stacking or just want some cool people to chat to come join the Discord: SilverGoldStackers Discord


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Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2024

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Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - June 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the July edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2024

This 1967 25 Cents 80% Silver coin is 5.87 grams.
While the 50% silver coin is about 5.67 grams.
You just need a little scale to determine one from the other.


I'm waiting on a new scale as my last one wasn't very good 🤣
