Low Mana, High Impact Splinterlands Strategy >> Winning Lineup for the Holy Protection Challenge



The theme of this week's battle Mage secret challenge ruleset of splinterlands game is "Holy Protection". Under this ruleset, all cards are provided with Divine shield, which protects the monsters in the lineup of both sides from the first attack.

Under this ruleset, all cards get protective shield and any first attack will be missed due to Divine shield. This is my favorite ruleset. The lineup I created under this ruleset for the battle weekly challenge is a very tough lineup because there were total three rulesets in this battle and the mana of the game was only 18.

In this battle, apart from the weekly challenge ruleset, one of the other two rulesets was "Aim True". In this ruleset, the attack of any card never goes missed. Whenever a monster attacks, its attack will always hit the target . And the attack will always hit its target. The second ruleset was "Going the distance" under this ruleset only ranged attacker cards were allowed to be kept in the lineup and thus the third ruleset was the challenge theme of this week.

This lineup will be helpful for all new players in every way because the mana of this game is very low and thus this lineup will be informative for new players to understand the best lineup under the three ruleset in this low mana.

if you are new splinterlands player and want to know more about this weekly challenge battle then you can visit to get more information from this Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!
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I selected THADDIUS BROOD as Summoner and it is
RARE Death Summoner , i know you all are thinking that why did i place this Summoner becasue there was one ruleset "Going the Distance" in which only was choice to select range attacker card in the lineup but THADDIUS BROOD summoner reduces the magic attack -1 of the oponent side . reason of the selecting this summoner was only this that its mana cost is 4 mana and it also reduce all enemy monster health -1 so it is the best ability of this summoner. i used level 2 summoner in this battle. i combined level 1 summoner to increase its level 1 to level 2. now i have level 1 two copy of this summoner and level 2 one copy this time. it is best summoner under these ruleset if mana is low.

I chose Venari Marksrat first on the frontline because it is a range attacker card and has only 3 mana cost. Since this battle consisted of very little mana, in this low mana, there was an effort to keep as many cards in the lineup as possible to give the opponent a hard time, and if there are more cards in the lineup, then the opponent's first attack will be a missed due to Divine Shield. thus my monsters will have more time to fight.

I chose the Xenith Archer card in second place, it has a Mana cost of 2. This is a ranged attacker card. This beautiful girl carries a bow and arrow in her hand and attacks her opponent with courage and bravery, and in this battle, the fighter archer girl has fought with courage and bravery in front of the opponent. This is a rare neutral unit.

The third card in this lineup was the Ravenhood Warden. If you look at this card, it is a ranged attacker monster with a bird's beak that has a crossbow in its hand and it also attacks its opponent with a crossbow. The main feature of this card is that it gives +2 Armor to all its friendly monsters, which makes all friendly monsters immune to the opponent's attacks due to Armor. This was the most important card in my lineup, it has 2 attack speed and 2 health.

my fourht card was WEIRDING WARRIOR in the lineup. it is EPIC Death card.its mana cost is only 2 . it is best range attacker card for using in low mana battle under given ruleset. its attack also is strong but i recomend it in low mana and under mentioned ruleset battle. i used it becasue of its low mana cost and good range attack.

i am being used HAUNTED SPIDER card since 2018 when i got this card since from this time i am using it very regularly. i do not know , how i get this card but i think i got it from spell book at the time of registration . i won hundred battle from this card. it is one of the best range attacker card ,its mana cost is 3 . but its attack is very much strong . i placed it at the last position to attack on opponent lineup. this card was second card that was main card in my linupe. it fought very well and brought victory to my side.


in first round my opponent lineup destroyed my front line .my opponent placed only two cards in the linup but both were very much strong. in the end of the first round, my mosnters also attacked on the opponent lineup and tried best to destroy the frontline but they did not success in first round




in start of second round, my lineup broke the frontline of the opponent side. and in start of third round rest of the lineup was broken by my monsters . it was total 3 round battle and first round was in favour my opponent but last two round was totaly in my lineup favour. i would like to say without hesitation that my lineup was very much strong than my opponent lineup. my all cards were in best position and i will also try my best to place this lineup in different ruleset at the different positions.

if you want to see this game on splinterlands game blockchain then visit this link splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge: Holy Protection Ruleset Lineup |My Secret Weapon

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