Trip to The Most Coldest and Snowy Valley at Temperature of -21 °C


Hello Every one! I hope you will be fine.

Today I will share my special trip to kalam swat where we had gone for snow fall. So, it was January 2021 we saw the weather of kalam where it was mentioned that there will be snow fall in kalam on 11th of January. So we two brothers and my two cousins start preparation to sett off for kalam next day. It was 11th January 6Am we got off from the sleep and after breakfast in early morning we set off for our trip. Road to kalam is very good, there is no dangerous area on the way to kalam nor the road is now rough the road is ok but due to heavy snow fall the road is block from the valley called Bahrain till the border of kalam which is touched with chitral.(See the map I will share my experience and trip of chitral also). I have uploaded Many pictures below, just watch it and share your thoughts if you like it.

 "image.png" This was our party, two cousins and two brothers.  "IMG_20200131_170809.jpg" So, after travelling for 6 hours we reached to Bahrain from where the snow starts and in Bahrain there is a little snow on the ground, but the mountains are covered from it. After reaching kalam Unfortunately the snow has started, and it amazed us, because it surprised us.  "IMG_20200129_133413.jpg" We booked 4/4 jeep from Bahrain to kalam due to heavy snow fall the road was slippery, so after one and half hour we reached to kalam The picture below is of our hotel situated there, it was locked, and we were not running at that time due to some unavailability.  "IMG_20200129_135523.jpg" This is the bazaar of kalam where if you want to walk you have to wear shoes which is not slippery otherwise you will fall upside down.  "IMG_20200129_165809.jpg" we wanted to walk into the forest so that we can explore it in a good way. This is the forest of kalm where we went by foot all the way from our hotel. Taking tea in such place full of snow has another beauty.  "IMG_20200130_122234.jpg"





Need your Support, started blogging again after 2 years of break.

All of these pictures are taken by me and many of them are also uploaded to my Instagram, you can see it here.
