Battle Mage Secrets: My strategy for Range and Melee

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Hello! to all members of the Splinterlands community. I'm @zactian. I'll write about my strategy and another weekly challenge, Battle Mage Secrets, in my blog today.

What Account Use

I'm using BLTZR-WIZARD-724. I'll share my main strategy in this straightforward but efficient likelihood of winning rule-set max-level cards in a modern format.

Lost Magic is the challenge, where magic units won't be able to use in battle. Depending on the rule set, a good strategy is either Melee or Range and doing sneak attacks or focusing on the front.

Share your thoughts on the possible lineups at this level in the comments section below. Does it work with this set of battle rules? Let's examine and compare it with the Lost Magic rule set.


Lost Magic

Magic units won't be able to be used in this battle.


Rule Set



  • All non-flying units take 2 melee damage each round ends.

Explosive Weaponry

  • All units will gain Blasts ability.

Lost Magic

  • Magic units won't be able to be used in this battle.

Recommended summoner to use Lost Magic rule set for this match:

I can imagine that the opponent will choose a range attack or melee attack strategy because the rule set given is Lost Magic. Since the Dragon element is active in this rule set, for me It is ideal to choose Quix the Devious for I assume that the opponent will use a range attack and I also expect that the opponent will use Quix the Devious or any Overpower summoner in Dragon Element.


Dragon and Life element combo for high chance attacking first with difference in speed and most of these elements have Flying units which is a good combo for Earthquake rule set. The only differences that exist now are the speed of the cards used in combat and whether the opponent utilizes any powerful cards—Rebellion or Riftwatcher, in particular that I don't have.

I would plan to use the Dragon and Life elements as these element units have most of the advantage in speed present and of course a decent damage range, I will use a range for the use of Pelacor Herbalist and melee sneak attacks strategy.

Note: I only have limited cards but they are useful in some rule sets and I will try my best to win with existing cards. So if you want a high chance of winning, I advise you to rent or buy useful or stronger cards for most rule sets.

Link of the battle: RUMBLE

My Lineup


First position - Gargoya Lion

  • Gargoya Lion is used in this battle because of its massive health and armor which is good for tanking in the first position. It has helpful abilities such as the Flying ability which coincides with the rule set given, and the Rage ability which can boost to 50% melee damage and speed if this unit is not in full health

Second position - Venator Kinjo

  • Since the rule set is Explosive Weaponry, I will utilize this unit ability Reflection ability which doesn't take damage from opponent blasts. It also has slow which is helpful in debuffing opponent speed by 1.

Third position - Celestial Harpy

  • My main melee damage because it has True Stike ability, Flying ability, and Opportunity ability which can attack that opponent unit with lower health.

Fourth position - Vruz

  • The support melee damage, a useful combination to increase the stats of my adjacent units, Pelacor Herbalist and Celestial Harpy. This will be easily executed in 2 rounds because it has only 3 health and a non-flying unit.

Fifth position - Pelacor Herbalist

  • My main range damage with 3 range damage and Double Strike ability that can attack twice. This is also a Flying unit that can survive Earthquake rule set melee damage.

Last position - Naga Assasin

  • Acts as another support range damage because of high speed and helpful abilities such as Swiftness giving 1 speed to my friendly units and the ability to backfire if the opponent missis the attack to this unit.

Analyzing Battle

The opponent strategy is quite the same, only the summoner is questionable, maybe the opponent didn't own or rent Quix the Devious. Since this unit possesses Flying units, the opponent's plan takes advantage of Marty's strat to enhance Gargoya Devil and Gargoya Lion. I think that having a Pelacor Herbalist gives me the advantage in terms of damage and speed for I have buffs and debuffs applied. The only concern for me is that once the opponent Gargoya Lion is in Rage mode, there's a possible or high chance of my attack's missis as speed is greatly useful when dodging the attacks. Let's see in the battle if my Pelacor Herbalist were able to hit the opponent Gargoya Lion or not.

Effective or not?


It did miss some attacks but the opponent was overwhelmed by the speed and damage difference I deployed in this match. Despite this, the opponent managed to enhance the Gargoya Lion's 6 melee damage and 4 speed, as well as the Gargoya Devil's 5 range damage and 4 speed. It's still not enough to even execute my Gargoya Lion.

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Due to opponents' lack of damage, it is now simple to execute the remaining attacks over my hybrid melee and range attack strategy.
The opponent uses both of the Gargoya Cards to his advantage and has superb card placement and planning abilities. If my opponent has better cards than I have, especially if it utilizes Quix the Devious, I might lose this battle. Obtain or rent stronger, more helpful cards to improve your chances of winning the match.

My favorite element line-up is the water element, where the majority of the units are fast. If you wish to utilize the water element, please go through a few of my posts, I hope you find them helpful.


Thanks! for supporting me, being here, and coming this far. I'm hoping this can assist you with some of your battles. I suggest using speed to increase your chances of winning battles since it increases your ability to block oncoming strikes and launch first attacks.

You can share thoughts and ideas about what could be possible to use in this Keep Your Distance rule set.

The first photo is generated using AI-generated Microsoft Edge CoPilot
And edited the Design photo Splinterlands Modern League using PicsArt
Picture of characters in game splinterlands
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zactian isnt it late or do they still accept o.o


They usually comment the deadline, but lets see


owh i see lol cuz the post says monday utc time good if they still get u


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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

