Fab Four Rule Set: Deploying 4 Strong Cards

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Hello to everyone and the Splinterlands community. The best unit available is the Fab Four rule set and sharing strategy, which will be highlighted in today's blog. Mostly legendary cards with helpful powers are available for me to utilize, depending on the other rules that are provided. It is recommended to surpass your opponent in speed since you will be more likely to dodge attacks and be able to initiate the battle first.


Link of the Battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sm_uNmjfXupYX27ekppUnsA


Quix the Devious

Lowering the other team's speed and range of attack by 1.

Due to the 42 mana cap in the provided rule set, which provides more expensive but effective strategic troops for use in battle, this is the perfect summoner and element. Since I want to depend on Ash Mirage and Countess Sinash to dominate in both speed and range damage, I combine it with the fire element. I used Countess Sinash, Carnage Titan, Ash Mirage, and Arkemis the Bear in this particular scenario. With a lot of melee damage in the front position and support range in the rear due to its beneficial skills, my line-up is rather tanky. There is no magic involved in this fight since the rules specify Lost Magic, which prevents cards with magic attacks from being used in combat.


My Simple Plan Line up

First position - Arkemis the Bear

  • Take on the role of a melee damage tank in first position, with a high probability of surviving the majority of rounds due to your enormous health, armor, and helpful skills like a forcefield, protect, and halving.

Second position - Carnage Titan

  • This monster can attack in the second position thanks to its reach and double strike abilities, which makes this unit my main male damage and has four melee damage that can double attack. Since Arkemis the Bear's shield ability reduces opponent damage by 50% in both melee and ranged combat, it may also serve as a tank if it is placed into action.

Third position - Ash Mirage

  • I will have my Countess Sinash in my final position, thus this is the perfect position arrangement. This unit can lower an opponent's range attack by one and is capable of dealing with four ranged damage.

Fourth position - Countess Sinash

  • As my goal is to outperform my opponent in speed, this unit is ideal for speed boosting, giving the team an extra swiftness ability. With its four-range damage and blast ability, which does two damages every hit to nearby targets, this unit may be my main range damage unit.

Selecting a useful ability in this battle with a good amount of damage will increase your chances of victory in this type of rule set.

Will my strategy line up work?

It appears that the opponent prioritized its melee damage tactic. Runic Skyclaw can easily execute my Arkemis the Bear because of its five-range damage, six-speed, and huge killer ability. It also uses the Akane summoner and ambushes given to Carnage Titan and Venka the Vile. As I saw this opponent, I was pretty much sure lost in this battle. Venka the Vile is pretty overpowered as it has 7 melee damage. I have Arkemis the Bear blocking Chaos Golem and Venka the Vile which only deals 1 damage per attack. I think I'm gonna win this battle opponent puts too much damage to the front and my Arkemis the Bear is in the position. I out damage and speed difference strategy, comment below which you think will win. Is my Arkemis the Bear carrying the team of this battle?

What could we learn from this strategy?


As expected my Arkemis the Bear did excellent tanking Venka the Vile and Chaos Golem attacks because the opponent put 5 more damage and was able the Arkemis the Bear Forcefield ability which only deals 1 damage if the opponent uses more than 5 damage.
Easy win for this match, as you can see this is in the tournament event SPS DAO wild league format. Was lucky enough that the opponent didn't use other cards that had more overpower and useful abilities.

So be sure to investigate and assess the possible lineup you want to use, taking into account the rules as well as the opponent's previous matches. Keep in mind that in order to use efficient strategies, you must mix cards with abilities that are suitable or advantageous for the applicable rule sets, arrange them in advantageous places, and study your opponent's lineup. more powerful cards from the opposition. Even with your most basic roster, you might still prevail and win it

This is another simple strategy yet helpful for certain matches in the dragon line-up element, feel free to check my other blog that uses the Water element which I commonly use, and hope this could help you in the battle. 😊


Thank You! for being here, coming this far, and supporting me. I hope this will help you in some of your battles.🤗
You can share thoughts and ideas about what could be possible to use in this rule set.

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