Utilizing Dispel Max Level Modern League Battle Splinterlands

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Hello to everyone and the Splinterlands community. The highlight of today's blog is the utilization of Dispel Ability at the maximum level of the modern league. Most of the cards that special in support buffs can be Dispel, especially if the opposing team uses Bloodlust Ability which per card it executes then gives plus one in all stats and Martyrs Ability gives adjacent plus one in all stats. Martyr Ability can only be triggered once the unit that has Martyr is executed.



A unit with the Dispel Ability will dispel and return to its initial stats when it hits an opponent unit that has had its stats boosted.

Link of the Battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_204ce03d53fb2a927b870f2625c323fa


Quix the Devious

Lowering the other team's speed and range of attack by 1.

The rule sets are Earthquake, Odd One's Out, and Aim True. This is ideal because this dragon element has the most Flying-type abilities and additional cards. I assume that the opponent will use a Range attack and I want to dominate the opponent in speed as speed gives me a high chance to attack first in the round and win the battle. That is why I picked Quix the Devious in this battle though I can't guarantee if it is using range attack, I can countermagic a bit with my Chaos Dragon which is good for the Odd Ones Out rule set. Dragon-Water element combo for Speed difference as this element has most of my common lineup strategy which in this case is sneak attack strategy.


My Simple Plan Line up

First position - Noa the Just

  • Take on the role of the tank in first position, with a high probability of surviving the majority of rounds due to your enormous health, armor, and helpful skills like a Dodge, Rust, and Backfire.

Second position - Void Dragon

  • Act as second option tank if my Noa the Just is executed, this is a good counter if the opponent uses magic strategy attacks because this unit has a Void ability that can only reduce by 50% from magic attacks.

Third position - Gargoya Devil

  • My main range damage that can also attack even when it is the first position because of the Closed Range ability.

Fourth position - Pelacor Bandit

  • As my goal is to do a sneak attack, this is my main melee damage and strategy I want to attack in the back position of the enemy. This unit has a higher speed and 4 melee damage.

Fifth position - River Helondale

  • This is my support magic which can increase my melee damage by 1 because of Inspire Ability. This is the perfect combo for my sneak attack as my core damage is melee damage.

Last position - Uraeus

  • I put this unit in the last position because it has 1 armor and will take any sneak attack from the opponent. Also, sneak melee damage with a chance of applying poison to the enemy's back position per hit.

Selecting a useful ability in this battle with a good amount of damage will increase your chances of victory in this type of rule set.

Will my strategy line up work?

It seems that the opponent applied the Lily Shieldpaw summoner and prioritized magic damage. With the resurrecting powers of Oshuur Constantia and Adelade Brightwing, Venari Marksrat can revive twice and increase Chaos Dragon twice as well. My sneak strategy won't be able to sneak attack because the opponent summoner has is Lily Shieldpaw which gives its units Camouflage abilities. I don't why the opponent wants to boost Chaos Dragon in the Aim True rule set. Maybe the opponent didn't check properly or just forgot. I think I'm gonna easily win this battle but let's see.

What could we learn from this strategy?


The opponent has now boosted Chaos Dragon, a 5 magic damage, 8 speed, and 13 health.


But as soon as my River Helondale attacks opponent Chaos Dragon all those boosts are worth nothing and only give to original state stats. Thanks to the Aim True rule set it gives me a guarantee hit which also triggers Dispel Ability. I dominated the opponent in speed and damage, the only difference is that the opponent puts too much support in the battle with only little damage and can be countered as well.

Therefore, be important to research and evaluate the potential lineup you wish to utilize, keeping in mind the rules and the opponent's past performances. Remember that you need to examine your opponent's lineup, mix cards with abilities that are favorable or appropriate for the relevant rule sets, and position them in advantageous positions to employ effective strategies. Even if the opponent uses overpowered cards that you don't have with the very minimum of a lineup, you may still win it.

This is another simple strategy yet helpful for certain matches in the dragon line-up element, feel free to check my other blog that uses the Water element which I commonly use, and hope this could help you in the battle. 😊


Thank You! for being here, coming this far, and supporting me. I hope this will help you in some of your battles.🤗
You can share thoughts and ideas about what could be possible to use in this rule set.

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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

