Utilizing Dumacke Orc and Ever-Hunger Skull


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Hello to everyone and the Splinterlands community. Today's blog highlights my battle experience in the Modern Tournament max level. I participated because this is the modern max level with all cards modern in this tournament rule set given and with my experience in modern format battles I think I can at least win some decent matches. Come and Join the tournament event if you have a max level owned or rented with your knowledge in the battle and climb to the top of the leaderboard.


The modern league offers great potential in grinding out splintershards, leaderboards, some fundamental line-up strategies at a reasonable cost, and the ability to play your modern cards. With my experience grinding with max-level modern cards. This is the spoiler content. I will apply some basic and cheap yet useful strategy cards. Although expensive cards are stronger, I will try to win and find ways to counter them.

Link of the Battle Modern Tournament: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sm_xyMXqtFerOvtVIXGfeMN



My Simple Plan Line up

Summoner - Astral Entity

  • The rule-sets given are Equal Opportunity, Lost Magic, and Five-Alive. This is the rise of low health with useful abilities—especially the use of Dumacke Orc & Ever Hunger Skull because of thorn ability with massive Armor.

First position - Harklaw

  • Take on the role of the tank in first position, with a high probability of surviving the majority of rounds due to your enormous health, armor, and helpful skills like a Shield, Immunity, and Demorolize.

Second position - Gem Meteor

  • Act as range main damage. I additionally desire this unit because of its Scattershot ability, which allows me to employ the Equal Opportunity combo if I'm lucky enough to strike the opponent's main damage in any position on the enemy card.

Third position - Ever Hunger Skull

  • at first, I believed the opponent would favor range or melee damage, I selected this unit because of its Return Fire ability if the opponent employs a range attack plan and its Thorns if the opponent employs a melee damage strategy. Because of their position and differences in condition, I anticipate that this unit will be attacked before Dumacke Orc.

Fourth position - Dumacke Orc

  • This is my main damage with tanky strategy because it has Shield, Retaliatte, and Thorns Abilities with 4 damage, 8 armor, 2 speed, and 1 health.

Fifth position - Venator Kinjo

  • This is my support melee damage which can increase my odds of fully utilize the thorns damage of my Dumacke Orc & Ever Hunger Skull because Venator Kinjo has an Amplify ability which increases the damage of Thorns by 1 ability when hit.

Selecting a useful ability in this battle with a good amount of damage will increase your chances of victory in this type of rule set.

Will my strategy line up work?


The opponent uses an Ilthain summoner which gives the opponent 1 speed and Return Fire ability and it prioritizes using melee damage which I believe the main damage will be Jared Scar and Venka the Vile while Venator Kinjo, Chaos Agent, and Inevtibale act as support. With that, my assumption is what I expect the opponent to use which mainly uses Melee damage or Range. As you can see, the opponent's heavy melee damage tactic quickly despatches my Ever Hunger Skull in combat. However, I can resurrect it with the help of my summoner Astral Entity, bringing it back to life. And Opponent Venka the Vile and Jared Scar are now only left with a few health that will be executed once it hits against my thorns ability.


I easily won this match with my strategy using Dumacke Orc & Ever Hunger Skull thorns ability death element in Lost Magic and Equal Opportunity.

What could we learn from this strategy?

In this case, I utilize the Thorns ability of Dumacke Orc and Ever-Hunger Skull death element with Astral Entity summoner expecting that opponent well melee or range because of Lost Magic and Equal Opportunity Rule Set.
The opponent may have a stronger card in a modern format max-level tournament, but I still win with my modern strategy lineup. Examine and evaluate the possible lineup you want to use, taking into account the rules and the opponent's previous results. To use effective tactics, keep in mind that you must study your opponent's lineup, mix cards with abilities that are advantageous for the applicable rule sets, and place them in advantageous places.

This is another simple strategy yet helpful for certain matches in the Death line-up element, feel free to check my other blog that uses the Water element which I commonly use, and hope this could help you in the battle. 😊


Thank You! for being here, coming this far, and supporting me. I hope this will help you in some of your battles.🤗
You can share thoughts and ideas about what could be possible to use in this rule set.

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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

