Shedding light: burn baby burn

I don't think I really have to explain how I feel about this topic, sad, angry that it's happening, relief that someone got rescued from atrocities. As she said, SHAME BELONGS WITH THE PURPOTRATOR NOT THEIR VICTIMS.

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Noteworthy world news and conversations that needs to be had. Groundbreaking conversations. Now happening in France, I think Miss Giselle is brave as one can be to be the face to expose atrocities with her experience. I know I said I wouldn't make burn post a regular thing but I think these are messages that are important to be heard even if they were not quite produced by me. So BURN BURN BURN. Bring to justice unchecked criminality and violence against women. Why did it take so long?

Now, this next one strait from the US of A's pop culture. The most shocking thing about it is how long it took to be illuminated and searches/arrests to be made even with incriminating evidence and the suppression of it. Who else will they find on those videos? Will the public ever know? So called leaders of "The Industry". Besides the disturbing and exploitative "freak off's", what about that 2016 hotel footage of him beating the crap out of his at the time girlfriend in the hallway. How was that suppressed for so long? An accumulation of lawsuits and witness tampering are starting to paint an ugly picture.

Speaking of pop culture and hidden in plain sight. Remember those posts you hate about me talking about drugged girls getting chased in the woods with groups of men in masks in sacrifices to never be heard from again? Well here is this haunting music video. Replace the weird cat thing, what does it really represent? Especially after you pay attention to the lyrics. I used to like his music , not going to judge intent or extra curricular activities, God's place not mine but this video is truly disturbing. I never looked into the making of it, was it speaking on a vice of his own? Or one he's witnessed? Is he trying to shed light on an awful practice? Is it my life experiences, those of my friends that have tainted my innocence beyond repair that I'm mis-interpreting this video?


