My Splinterlands Meta Report: Summoner Reklah


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Reklah is a summoner that is undervalued by what he can do in the game. I rarely see him in matches but after the release of eternal tofu, his popularity rises a little bit. My opinion about this summoner is that he is a "high-risk, high reward" type of summoner. He shines in specific ruleset+mana+available splinters and all three of them should be checked whenever using him to fully utilize his kit

His contains a tactic skill that gives 1) 2 units from enemies or your team will get -2 base health 2) 2 units will have reflection shield

you can see here that he is not very popular because he is 2nd to the most un-used summoner and even though this is the case, it is clear that it can win matches due because statistics indicates it has above 50% win ratio.

 "image.png" this data is from card usage statistics from season 124-137

Strategy for the first tactic

Although i haven't tried this tactic by myself yet but you can use this tactic for a 25 mana or less and it is very unsystematic that you may caught your opponents off-guard


This team will wipe out many monster with 5 health or less due to the redemption of life sapper and venari spellsmith+weaken ability of will-o-wisp and doctor blight plus the tactic of -2 health. The purpose of the wierding warrior is to remove the armor of the enemy because redemption is a physical damage which means it will go through the armor first before the health of the enemy This is a 24 mana team and what you wont like to do is put the -2 health on those monster that will most likely survive the double-redemption bomb and it will actually kill the venka first round because venka has 5 health (since venka is very useful and used quite heavily). Although u can modify the lineup according to your preferences or ruleset the main key component is to weaken the health and bomb the enemy with redemption.

Pros and Cons

-Pros 1) It is a good unexpected lineup to kill enemy backlines and let the Dr. Blight clean up the surviving units. It can also pick off crucial low health support or high damaging units with low health making the match in your favor.

-Cons 1) This team will lose to almost every team composition in this certain mana pool like the Vega-Daarg team or and decent team with grim tank or sneaks. It will even lose to units with strengthen because it negates the weaken debuff making your damage stale.

Strategy for the Second Tactic

Reklah is more popular because of this tactic, unlike his first tactic that negates life that in my opinion thaddius brood would be a better option for the redemption-bomb purpose, this second tactic of reklah doesn't have anything similar to any summoner in the game yet. As stated earlier Reklah became more popular in the game after tofu is released and that is because of his 2nd tactic which gives 2 units a reflection shield.

The first thin you want to do in utilizing Reklah is that you should Predict the enemy will use tofu on a 25 or less mana or thorns ruleset is active. The main comp goes like this


The warden provides armor for the team and additional melee damage for the venka due to his inspire skill and the weirding warrior will rust away the enemies armor which makes venka more powerful. You can change the team with either a better tank or another melee unit for follow up damage or sneak for backline killer. The purpose of the venka on the last position is to survive longer and dish more damage and kill more enemies, because some nature of players is that when there is a thorn ruleset they would avoid using melee sneak or melee units in general.


Or you can use this variation too with sneak attack if you think your enemy will use reklah venka combo too because venka will need 2 hits for the willy coyotian to die making it good for the possessed puppet+any sneak unit to kill the backline. You can also change the blight into another sneak making it a sacrificial unit for additional backline damage.

What you will do in these scenario is to put the reflection shield on the heavy melee hitters to prevent them from dying and dish out more damage.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros It is a strong counter for tofu in a certain mana **IF **you predict the main front-line would be grim or pelacor with only 2 heal (3 heals will out-sustain the damage of venka)
  • Cons A Heavy mana tank with shield such as inevitable and mantaroth with heals. The reklah-venka lineup is weak agains a cryptic team or a vega team with oshannus tank or Chaos rear guard with cleanse and heal+repair (merdaali or anasth)



In conclusion, Reklah is a high-risk, high-reward summoner who thrives in specific rulesets and mana pools. His two main tactics—reducing health for a devastating redemption-bomb strategy and applying reflection shields to key units—each offer unique strategic advantages. While the first tactic can unexpectedly disrupt enemy teams with low health, it is inconsistent and vulnerable to common counters. The second tactic, focused on reflecting damage and countering certain lineups like tofu or thorn-based strategies, is more reliable but also has its limitations against stronger, more durable tank compositions.

Ultimately, Reklah shines when his strengths are fully utilized, making him a situational but powerful choice in the right scenarios. However, his weaknesses mean that careful planning and adaptability are essential to maximize his potential.


Thank you for reading all through-out my blog and i hope that you like it... if you have any questions pertaining splinterlands matches on how to utilize some summoner then feel free to ask me.

Special thanks to my fellow player @shadecroat for suggesting Reklah as a content for my blog


Is this finally the time for my boy, Reklah, to shine?!

I think yes!

Nice analysis here, Arvee!


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