# Trying SO HARD to get to Champs II - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 51 Report Card


I love this image of Zebajin by @deddywox. Zebajin is such a weird card to use, I find it's only really useful in the Equal Opportunity or Magic Only rulesets, but I get so excited when I get to play it and it works.

Hi everyone!

I'm writing the Splinterlands Report card right on New Season day because I want to try and use up all my Glint, and then see how much Glint I have in duplicate cards - so I'd love to get my Glint down to zero before I play a single game... but we'll see how that goes.

Match Report


RankChampion #760Diamond #418
Rating3880 - Champion III2880 - Diamond III
Rating High39602900
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.20 (67/56)1.13 (99/88)
Longest Streak89

I played way more games than in the last couple of previous seasons... and I was desperate to get to Champs II in Wild (because I didn't want to go back down to Diamond II instead of Diamond I) and I just could not get it over the line... I was literally two wins away from Champs II... and I just couldn't do it. Devastating.

I'll just have to push that much harder this new season.

Very, very excited to finally make it into Diamond for Modern though... I've literally never done that before so that's a very pleasant change. I'd really love to be getting as much Glint (and more SPS) that I've been getting in Wild.. and to do that I need to be in Diamond and Champs.

I've also noticed that I tend to do better when I play more games in a single sitting. When I play a game here and there, I'm not really learning much from my defeats.... but when I play more at once, I do. I'm definitely not as good at this game as I'd like to be... and a big part of getting better is learning better builds.

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
166✨ 176293 Glint + ⭐1635.801 SPS

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

Look at this compared to my last report card:

Ranked Play Wins Tokens Received
88 ✨ -31873 Glint + ⭐653.855 SPS

Not quite double the wins (88 versus 166) but 5.5 times more Glint rewards and over double the SPS won. Wow! Obviously the big difference between playing mainly in Modern versus playing mainly in Wild.

This is definitely the most Glint I've had at the end of a season, I think previously my highest was around 300K. To have 400K + is pretty huge:

You can see for some of my last games in Wild I was nearly earning 2K Glint per game... pretty huge!

Alright... let's spend some Glint!

My very last unmaxed Rare Reward card is Octavia Shadowmeld needs 4 cards:

I'm going to do 10 draws at a time to get those cards to avoid overspending on Rares.

Attempt 1: 10 Rare Draws at a cost of 5K Glint: 1 Octavia - Great start!
Attempt 2: 10 Rare Draws at a cost of 5K Glint: 1 Octavia - Yes!
Attempt 3: 10 Rare Draws at a cost of 5K Glint: 0 Octavia
Attempt 4: 10 Rare Draws at a cost of 5K Glint: 1 Octavia - Yes!
Attempt 5: 10 Rare Draws at a cost of 5K Glint: 1 Octavia - Yes!!!! I'm done!

I've now got all my Rare Reward cards maxed out:

I didn't realise until now, but this guy got maxed twice:

I'll burn that second version for Glint, I don't think I'll need it for Land, etc.

Alright, I still have 409K Glint left:

I think I'm going to aim for Legendaries next... while there is a huge symbiotic relationship between the Legendary cards with Weapons Training and the Epic cards with no attacks... and the Legendary Draws are really expensive, but you do need fewer legendary cards and I've got a few non-Chaos Legion non-attack cards that will benefit from higher-level Weapons Trainers.

Batch 1 of 10 Legendary Draws cost 250,000 Glint without Alchemy potions:

Pretty exciting! Also funny that each one shook with its legendariness. I didn't expect that.

I didn't increase the level of any of my legendaries... but I've definitely gotten closer.

I would like to try and max out my legendaries, but the price has risen by 50%:

With the 159K Glint left, I think it would be more affordable to spend on Batch 1 Epic Draws than Batch 2 Legendaries.

Batch 1 of 25 Epic Draws cost 125,000 Glint without Alchemy potions:

Cool.... I got a bunch of Epic cards but no gold foils. Still helps.

I've got 34K Glint left and I'm going to buy 13 Ultimate Chests just for the fun of it:

For this one I will use potions since I do think it's worth it for both Major and Ultimate chests:

Cool... another couple of Gladius cases worth of Merits.

I also bought 2 Major chests with potions and got an epic card and 500 merits.

Okay... so now I'm completely out of Glint. Phew!

Now I'm going to go through and burn all the duplicate Rewards cards to see how much Glint it generates.

I always get so nervous doing this... worried I might accidentally burn a card I need... but here goes.

To give you an idea of the Power to Glint ratio...

This maxed out Rare card of 2415 Power was worth 12,075 Glint.

Okay, so now that I've finished burning my duplicate reward cards for Glint, this is an accurate reading of where I'm up to in my quest to max out reward cards:

I've burnt over 101K of Glint!!!!

Amazing! I didn't actually think it would be that much!

I won't spend that now... I'll utilize the fresh batches in the Reward Store next season. Whoooo!

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(20.339)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

A bit less than last season... but nothing to really stress about.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards7897.997
Ranked Rewards as above1635.801
Brawl Rewards982.066
Land Rewards1235.298
Tower Defense98.093
Liquidity Rewards365.323
License Stake Rewards2691.586
NET SPS14906.164

I did suspect I'd have a higher than usual SPS count this season since I think I forgot to claim any for last season. Hopefully I'll be back in the swing of claiming all SPS at the very end of each season to get a good measurement. Here is the my SPS history:

Season 50 my Net SPS was ???
Season 49 my Net SPS was ???
Season 48 my Net SPS was ???
Season 47 my Net SPS was 9937.225
Season 47 my Net SPS was 11544.785
Season 46 my Net SPS was 19670.974
Season 45 my Net SPS was ???
Season 44 my Net SPS was ???
Season 43 my Net SPS was 11209.623
Season 42 my Net SPS was 11368.979
Season 41 my Net SPS was 15734.601
Season 40 my Net SPS was 5738.528
Season 39 my Net SPS was 12692.220
Season 38 my Net SPS was 10405.610
Season 37 my Net SPS was 7841.389
Season 36 my Net SPS was 9657.743
Season 35 my Net SPS was 9336.764
Season 34 my Net SPS was 13413.875
Season 33 my Net SPS was 29556.874
Season 32 my Net SPS was ???
Season 31 my Net SPS was 10591.881
Season 30 my Net SPS was 12390.883
Season 29 my Net SPS was 12757.227
Season 28 my Net SPS was 13324.727
Season 27 my Net SPS was 14735.391
Season 26 my Net SPS was 18423.610
Season 25 my Net SPS was 15592.310
Season 24 my Net SPS was 9888.861
Season 23 my Net SPS was 11190.555
Season 22 my Net SPS was 11704.133
Season 21 my Net SPS was 14514.412
Season 20 my Net SPS was 16059.041
Season 19 my Net SPS was 17007.533
Season 18 my Net SPS was 32635.224
Season 17 my Net SPS was ???
Season 16 my Net SPS was 9157.288
Season 15 my Net SPS was 17757.516
Season 14 my Net SPS was 14016.525
Season 13 my Net SPS was 12265.515

Thanks for reading my longer than usual Splinterlands report!

I would recommend all Splinterlands fans to vote for the Splinterlands request in the Hive Developer Fund as I'd really like to keep Splinterlands on the Hive blockchain for both Splinterlands and Hives sake. It's a good relationship I think.

Hope your games are going well and that you managed to actually get into the leagues you were hoping to!

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.


This was my 26 rares

I got my win rate up .01 to 1.01 !LOL and got about 15k glint for the whole season. I enjoy the once per season opening day. I think I will try and get a few more summoners to level 4 before trying for some other cards


Cool! 11 Summoners! That's awesome!

Yeah, I really like the once per season opening day too, especially with having the different choices around the rarity draws or chests. I absolutely agree that summoners should be pretty much be your top priority... honestly, they should be everyone's. Well done on the 15K Glint!!


Playing games in a single sitting will help you to stay focused and that’s why you tend to win more or do better with your games when you’re alone


It’s really impressive how you’re balancing so many goals in the game brother. Playing more games at once sounds like a good strategy.


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