# Burn it all down! - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 24 Report Card


Hi everyone!

So last time I told you that I was unlikely to participate in the Great Burning...

... then I changed my mind and jumped in....

... and now I'm filled with regret.

I honestly had no idea people would go into total hardcore mode and burn 350+M DEC - it's way more than I ever would have guessed.

If the top prize is a title and a tract, what's that worth?
There is so much land going for $43 each right now... but lets say you could buy 100 plots for $50 each, that's $5000 worth... but the top spot has burn approximately $53,038 worth of DEC now. Obviously you get the title, and nearly 7000 entries into the other 3500 prizes and the guild power, but I really am shocked with how much people have burnt.

I love that everyone's gone hardcore for the sake of the ecosystem, but I just never could have predicted this... and so I just kind of wish I had spent the DEC I burned on cards I need instead.

Match Report


RankGold #199Diamond #941
Rating2653 - Gold I2851 - Diamond III
Rating High26912851
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.41 (48/34)0.92 (98/106)
Longest Streak85

I think I had a pretty good season. This current season closes in just over a day and I am no where near these ranks in Wild or Modern at the moment... I'm really happy with that Wild Win/Loss ratio, and honestly surprised that the Modern Win/Loss ratio was as good as it was... I thought it was a lot worse than that.

I was really happy to break into Diamond in Modern, even though the previous season I got into Diamond II... but I really struggled to get many wins in Modern... it's definitely become more popular and challenging than it was. I think the removal of bots from Modern also got rid of easy wins (if that's been implemented yet, it probably hasn't been). Kind of a shame to realise I was much better against people who weren't actually real people.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard178
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold0

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲Token
Legendary Potions7953132🟡 5280
Alchemy Potions11354167🟡 8350
DEC00-🟣 0
SPS34.266108.862-⭐ 143.128
Merits688928-🎀 1616
CHAOS Packs022🟡 8000
Cards (Total)9286178-

Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
146🟣 0 + ⭐120.288

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 21630 CREDITS
⭐ 263.416 SPS

A little creep up from last season. I played slightly less games 291 (Season 23) vs 286 (Season 24) but with slightly less wins (143 Ranked Play Wins) so the Credits and SPS won totally make sense to me.

I won 40 Loot Chests this season.
For Season 23 my Total Ranked Play Earnings (43 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 20070 CREDITS
⭐ 262.210 SPS

For Season 22 my Total Ranked Play Earnings (46 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 31020 CREDITS
⭐ 258.952 SPS

For Season 21 my Total Ranked Play Earnings (58 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 33970 CREDITS
⭐ 474.870 SPS

For Season 20 my Total Ranked Play Earnings (63 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 26430 CREDITS
⭐ 642.077 SPS

For Season 19 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 20460 CREDITS
⭐ 264.388 SPS

For Season 18 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 27280 CREDITS
⭐ 343.547 SPS

For Season 17 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 21830 CREDITS
⭐ 309.952 SPS

For Season 16 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 1490 DEC
🟡 25010 CREDITS
⭐ 417.904 SPS

For Season 15 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 815 DEC
🟡 36600 CREDITS
⭐ 331.589 SPS

For Season 14 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 1345 DEC
🟡 17850 CREDITS
⭐ 1550.681 SPS

For Season 13 my Total Ranked Play Earnings were:
🟣 380 DEC
🟡 10850 CREDITS
⭐ 557.586 SPS

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(675.826)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

Whoa! My Rental amount is way down... it's usually at the 19K/20K mark... Not super sure what's going on... I have the same amount as always that is rentable... maybe people are renting less if the player base is smaller, or maybe everyone is just burning all their DEC and can't rent. Who knows?!?

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards4399.975
Ranked Rewards as above263.416
Brawl Rewards72.653
Tower Defense121.282
Liquidity Rewards3905.179
License Stake Rewards1126.356
NET SPS9888.861
+ Voucher Drops576.904 🎟️

My SPS income is continuing its downward trend:

Season 23 my Net SPS was 11190.555.
Season 22 my Net SPS was 11704.133.
Season 21 my Net SPS was 14514.412.
Season 20 my Net SPS was 16059.041.
Season 19 my Net SPS was 17007.533.
Season 18 my Net SPS was 32635.224.
Season 17 my Net SPS was ???
Season 16 my Net SPS was 9157.288.
Season 15 my Net SPS was 17757.516.
Season 14 my Net SPS was 14016.525.
Season 13 my Net SPS was 12265.515.

I did raid my SPS:DEC LP for some DEC to burn in the great burning, so I expect my Liquidity Rewards to drop quite a bit more this next season.

Really excited for Land 1.5 to come online this month or next. Personally I'm hoping people take cards from their decks to work their lands (hopefully making it easier for me to win) but I'm also hoping a bunch of Chaos Legion packs get sold from the secondary market because I'm still waiting for the price to rise to get rid of packs I'm sitting on, so I can buy Riftwatcher and Chaos Legion cards I need.

I honestly hope Rebellion is quite a while away from now... It's currently scheduled between October 23 and March 24, and to be honest I originally thought it was going to drop next month. It is the main way that the Splinterlands company makes their money (although their partnerships might be paying them well, I'm not sure) but I think Rebellion would dilute an already struggling card asset market - and I'm not sure anyone is super desperate for new cards right now. I'm assuming not too many new players are coming into the game at the moment.

I'm curious about the mini-set with the brand IP partner... because, ah, people don't really seem to be buying too many packs right at the moment... so I'm not sure how excited people will be about that... but I also didn't think people would burn so much, so what do I know?

Hope you're playing well!

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.


😅 Well, hopefully you can use the guild points, otherwise yea - the burn event got pretty crazy. Odds of winning a random prize seem a bit on the low end now, but you probably still have a chance :D


I'm sure the guild points will be useful, and I haven't traditionally been great at providing DEC to my guild, so I feel good about contributing there... but if you had asked me what the top amount of DEC burned in The Great Burning was before the event, I would have guessed maybe $2,500 worth of DEC max.


That's a great post and always a good effort in showing advancements into Splinterlands.
Soon or later I will start playing it myself :D


I am finding Modern better than wild mainly because my card power lets me go higher. So is there no bots in bronze or silver modern as well or just none up high?


So looking at the Roadmap at the top of this post, I'm not sure that any bot mitigation or prevention has happened at all yet.

There is a box in the Age of the Phoenix (the time they mark as May 24th to Aug 1st) called Gameplay with the bot mitigation efforts there... so I'm guessing that both Modern and Wild have bots in them at the moment... even though they both feel a bit different to how they used to.


That was pretty a huge Dec burnt 🥺


It was way more than I could have possibly ever guessed.


Splinterlands is a game changer in web3 gaming industry, i think any game has what it has, it has the 60k plus daily active users and they are growing with the passage of time. That's realy a big number @aussieninja


The way we're seeing a lot of people participating in this event and the way we're seeing if it continues like this, we're going to see the value of it going up a lot in the near future can be seen. This game is still very popular and we will see a lot of new people flocking to it after some time when it starts to hit the market and we will also see a lot of increase in its price. The good thing is that she has all the community which are very supportive.


That burnt event was totally sucess!! the only thing was the bad timing... who would thought that btc would drop in the same days :( otherwise we could have seen the DEC pegged again but well... everything helps!


I honestly thought it was a massive success in the first hour!

It's a shame about BTC, but honestly, the DEC burning is really about long term supply and not necessarily anything to do with the short term... so I think it's gone extremely, extremely well.


My rentals have taken a real haircut, too. I'm expecting when units can be assigned to land, a massive amount will be taken off the rental market. Those who stay should see a lot more demand.
I'm in no rush for the next phase. I'm getting SPS drops based on total plots owned; and don't have anywhere near the required cards and/or DEC to work them.
My daily take will drop substantially.


I think your assumption is pretty spot on. I don't have much land at all, and the cards I've earmarked for land are all currently on the rental market. It won't be all my cards, but it'll be all my best maxed cards for sure.

Your daily take will drop substantially.... initially.... once you are producing enough grain to sell, you'll be bringing in way more DEC than you do on the rental market, and eventually enough to buy the cards you need to get more workers. It may take years but I think you'll have a huge thriving empire in time.
