Splinterlands: community engagement challenge. Exploring Corrupted Healing and Wingbreak


Greetings splinterlands fans.

Welcome to my community engagement challenge. Yesterday evening I finished my season batting in Diamond League first with a 3600 rating. During evening time I have to go outside and till late night I could not get more chances for battle. That's why in this season I claimed my reward battling in the Diamond League.


It was total 63k glint tokens that I earned from this season. Actually one day before I burned 56k tokens from my glint balance to purchasing epic draw.
Overall it was almost 120k Glint tokens. After claiming my tokens, advance I purchased wild pass burning 2k Dec-B tokens. Next two season I will continue with my Dec-B tokens and after that I have to purchase Dec.
Ajay promised that I will burn half my Glint tokens to purchasing Epic draw and half to Ultimate draws. In the current season I will purchase a Rare draw with my whole tokens that I will earn from daily battle.


Now let's talk about my rewards that I got from ultimate draws. As you know that single ultimate draw contains 4500 glint tokens. There were 63k glint token in my wallet, so I was eligible for 14 ultimate draw.
This time I pulled 3x gold foil Nimblenook Explorer, 2x Epic card Shock Trooper and 6x Adjutant. 1.1k merits, 31 Alchemy potions, 34 Legendary potions and 16 energy. So it was overall my reward that I got from the ultimate draw.

Now it's time to share two interesting abilities Corrupted Healing and Wingbreak from rebellion reward cards. First time when I was using Arachhne Weaver then I was surprised that it is providing healing for all fellow Monsters that were getting damages. If I will able to upgrade it into level 5 then it will be the most valuable card.
Next one is Night reaper. I like its ability very much because there are few use flying ability Monsters with low health. The interesting fact is that with Wingbreak ability target flying ability Monsters first. Now going to share briefly about these two cards.



Till now I got only one card, Arachne Weaver with corrupted healing ability. It is a 5 Mana monster from death unit. At initial level this Monster comes with two Magic attack, two speed and three health.
Here we get just single ability corrupted healing.
At second level there is only one improvement in the form of additional health. It means at level two we get four health and the rest of the stats similar like first level.
At Third Level we get similar stats like two magic attack, two speed and four health but at level 4 one ability increases in the form of Scavenger.
In contrary at 4th Level we get one additional health and rest of the stats and abilities are similar to Third Level.
Fifth level provides two magic attack, two speed but here we get 7 health. At max level we get two magic attack, two speed, 7 health and one more ability in the form of Noxious Fumes. It means at Max label we get free abilities Corrupted Healing, Scavenger and Poison.



It is similar to Tank Heal ability but here is a little difference. Tank Heal try to heal only front position monster but corrupted healing Restores 70% healing for all allied units. Suppose you are battling against magic reflect, thorn, Earth, Noxious Fumes or return fire and your unit getting back damages then it restores 70% health for all monsters in each round. But each time a unit is healed, its max health is reduced by one.


It is a 11 Mana Dragon unit legendary monster. No doubt it is another rebellion reward card with a pretty good 3 magic attack, 4 speed, 9 health at level one.
At the initial stage we get flying and wingbreak ability.
Till second level there is no change in stats and ability, just we get a single additional armor. But in 3rd level we not only we get additional health but also single additional ability Reflection shield.
It means at level 3 we get free magic and health and three abilities wingbreak, Flying and Reflection Shield.

At fourth level there is no change in Stats ability and health as level 3 but here we get 2 armor. When we combined this card into level 5 then here we get four magic attack, four Speed, two armour, 10 health including Wingbreak, Flying and Reflection Shield. 5th level combines with 32 cards.


Now at Max level here we get a similar abilities and stats like level 5. No more addition in stats but at Max level we get one additional ability Last Stand. Last Stand is one of the best ability. If this Monster is able to survive as a last Monsters then it can increase its all stats by 50%. So it was the detail about the card.
Wingbreak: with this ability The Monster always targets the first enemy flying unit. No matter what is the rule applied for the battle. If there is no flying ability monster in enemy battle squad then it normally attacks like other Monsters.


This battle was like an experiment for me because I wanted to experience the new abilities from rebellion reward cards. To be honest I was surprise to see the performance of Corrupted Healing. I was thinking that it would be helpful for itself as well as for other cards but it applied for all cards.
Although in this battle neither return fire nor magic reflect working. So my Monsters were not getting back damages. Just my front Monster was getting damaged.
Corrupted Healing restoring frontline Monster's health in each round. In another battle I checked then I found that it was helping all allied units with heal.
Another one is Wingbreak. Really it is awesome.


It is also very helpful ability especially in earthquake battle ruleset. In next review I will try to explore one or two more abilities. Still there are couple of Monsters who has pretty good new abilities.
Hope in the season I will able to purchase at least single legendary card by purchasing draw.
Have you experienced these new abilities? Feel free to share your opinion in the comment box.

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PS- images/stickers taken and edited with Picsart/pixelLab
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It is taken just for post purpose..

Thanks for your valuable time..
Keep On Battling
Have a nice day..


I really really like the wingbreak! Night Reaper isn't legendary but epic by the way 😊 It's awesome that it even bypasses taunt and does extra damage to flying units, very strong in Earthquake battles.


Ha ha ha.. Got it. Actually, Legendary always rounds in head. Lol..
Sometimes, the hand quickly follows what the mind says.
By the way, thanks for being here. I want to upgrade these cards quickly, but I know it will take a long time as there is no alt option.
Have a great week ahead. 🙏🙏


Yes I'm trying to better my hive-life and network more like Azircon proposed, better connect hive and splinterlands for a mutual better world.
I will take a LONG time before they're up to the level we play in haha, the top guys earn a million glint, but I'm glad to surpass 100k in total each season


That's really a good choice from you. Quality always dominates quantity. Engagement is a better option to communicate with the Hiveans. Likewise, here we are, Hive family.
Oho. Great 100k Glint in a season Great achievement. Our sps staking makes a difference to earn Glint from daily quest.
You have pretty cards and summoners collection, so your winning ratio will be good.
Best of luck for the current season.
