Low Mana Life Strategy


Hey all! Epsilon-Killer with my first post here, thought I would drop one of my low mana strategies as I enter silver league and finally am abale to get out of the bland bronze league... So much changes once you leave bronze in battle opportunities. I love it!

Anyways, here is one of my favorite 18-21 point mana life builds that I have been running recently that has only been surpassed by Zintar Mortalis/Haunted Spirit combo.

Without further ado here they are...


This team works really well against any magic team since the Crystal Werewolf has silence and is relatively cheap for its utility (It was $11 when I got it last season). The double heal is healing for 6 per turn, so unless you are taking more than that you have pretty much already won.

If you are running on the lower end at 18 mana, I sub out the Crystal Werewolf and only keep the heals. This build has not worked out very well on battles over 21 mana since it is much easier to field a full team there.

Thanks for reading! What are some of your favorite low level life builds? If you have any post suggestions let me know, I would love to make the content readable and exciting.

18.796 SPT


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0.000 SPT

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0.000 SPT

Great idea using the two healers on the taunt tank as long as he stays up your opponent can not attack your backline.
Nice post.

0.000 SPT

Thanks @mickvir for the reblog! I have been trying to see what other cards would make this a viable medium mana build (sub 30 mana?), and have been having a tough time. Any thoughts?

0.000 SPT

Haha I bet this build claps cheeks. Love how you got your crystal werewolf out there to throw shade at the mage rush teams. Only problem I can foresee you running into is facing another team with sustain in which case itll just end in a draw XD

0.000 SPT

Yes @thatweirdkid! Now that I have been running this in silver league, I am noticing much more powerful mage rush teams than the standard pixies. Captains Ghost and
Djinn Oshannus have been a thorn in my side now. There may be some good additions to help combat this. Any suggestions?

0.000 SPT

Nice strat! I imagine you are still susceptible to sneak/opportunity, but looks like a solid defensive strat! Great job working up the courage to make a post - keep doing it!

0.000 SPT

Thanks @ecoinstant! The reason why this build works so well is becuase of Shieldbearers taunt ability. This makes it so the other teams monsters can only attack the Shieldbearer, therefore protecting my squishy support staff!

0.000 SPT