

Hello guys,

Today I am going to share with you another battle in @splinterlands.

Battle details:
I played with life splinter. And my opponent also used a life splinter against me.


It was a battle of total 32 mana with two rules:
Close Range: Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
Equalizer: The initial health of all monsters is equal to that of a monster on either team with highest base health.

I had my TYRUS PALADIUM level 7, CORNEALUS level 4, FURIOUS CHICKEN level 7, CAVE SLUG level 7, SILVERSHIELD ASSASSIN level 5, HYDRA level 4.
And my opponent had his/her cards as THE PEAKRIDER level 3, GELATINOUS CUBE level 6, ANGEL OF LIGHT level 3, FERAL SPIRIT level 8, AIR ELEMEMTAL level 5, DEFENDER OF TRUTH level 3 and PEACEBRINGER level 6.

Let me talk about monsters that I used in this battle.


This life summoner adds +1 Armor to my entire team.

It needs 3 mana.


This is a good life summoner. Having more armor is nice.

~CORNEALUS. level 4

Edition: UNTAMED
Element: NEUTRAL
Attack: RANGED
ABILITIES: Heal at level 1, Thorns at level 2, Return Fire at level 3, Magic Reflect at level 4.

This is a neutral monster, in this level it has ranged attacks (4), Speed (3), Health (12).

It has three abilities at this level which are-
Heal: Restores a portion of monster's health each round.
Thorns: When hit with a melee attack, does damage back to the attacker.
Return Fire: When hit with a ranged attack, monsters with Return Fire will return reduced damage back to their attacker.
Magic Reflect: When hit with a magic attack, does reduced Magic damage back to the attacker.

This card needs 10 mana.


I thought that this monster will be a great tank.


Edition: REWARD
Rarity: RARE
Element: NEUTRAL
Attack: MELEE

This is a neutral monster, in this level it has melee attacks (1), Speed (2), Health (1).

He needs 0 mana.

I still had space in my team and this monster doesn't cost any mana.

~CAVE SLUG, level 7

Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: COMMON
Element: LIFE
Attack: MELEE
ABILITIES: Opportunity at level 1, Scavenger at level6, Slow at level 10.

This is a life monster, in this level it has melee attacks (3), Speed (2), Health (5).

It has two abilities at this level which are-
Opportunity: Monsters with opportunity may attack from aby position and will target enemy monster with the lowest health.
Scavenger: Gains +1 health each time any monster dies.
Another ability at level 10 is Slow: reduces the speed of all enemy monsters.

It needs 5 mana.

I had to use this monster because it is a theme of this week's challenge.


Edition: REWARD
Rarity: RARE
Element: LIFE
Attack: MELEE
ABILITIES: Sneak and Double strike at level 1, Poison at level 5.

This is a life monster, in this level it has melee attacks (2), Speed (4), Health (5), Armor(1).
It has three abilities at this level which are-
Sneak: attacks the last opponent's monster instead of the first.
Double Strike: Monster attacks twice each round.
Poison: Attacks have a chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round, after the poison is applied.

It needs 7 mana.

This monster has a good attack power but more importantly poison ability can be very useful.

~HYDRA, level 4

Edition: BETA
Element: NEUTRAL
Attack: MELEE
ABILITIES: Heal at level 1, Thorns at level 2, Retaliate at level 3, Trample at level 4.

This is a neutral monster, in this level it has melee attacks (4), Speed (4), Health (10).

It has four abilities at this level which are-
Heal: Restores a portion of the monster's health each round.
Thorns: When hit with a melee attack, does damage back to the attacker.
Retaliate: When hit with a melee attack, monsters with retaliate have a chance of attacking their attacker.
Trample: When a monster with Trample hits and kills its target, it will perform another attack on the enemy team.

It needs 7 mana.

On the battlefield.


Both teams had monsters with healing abilities so I was already expecting a long battle.

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Both teams still had all monsters.

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I lost my tank so now I was in big trouble.

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At this point I was not expecting to win this battle.

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My CAVE SLUG was pushed to the first position. This meant now most of offence will have to rely on SILVERSHIELD ASSASSIN( CAVE SLUG was facing a lot of healing so it could not do much damage)

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Now one of my opponent's archers was barely alive.

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Now things were looking better. My opponent only had one monster with any attack power.

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It seems that now I was making a comeback in this battle.

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My CAVE SLUG survived long enough. Now only my team had attack power.

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My opponent's healing remained a big problem for a long time.

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But finally I won.

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In this battle I won 61.045 Dec and 16 League Rating. My strategy worked well- HYDRA protected my team from sneak attacks CAVE SLUG, SILVERSHIELD ASSASSIN and CORNEALUS were my main offencive weapoms. I did not expect CORNEALUS to die so soon but it worked out in the end.

CAVE SLUG is a cool monster but I don't use it too often.

I would like having some mages in my team. But I am not sure what I could replace.

I hope that you enjoyed my battle. If you would also like to start playing splinterlands and earning by making posts about your battles or by making art inspired by splinterlands please consider using my referral link:

Also please consider visiting my art gallery. So far it has only a few pieces that are inspired by splinterlands . But in the future I might add more works with splinterlands monsters.

Thank you and have a nice day.




damm, i have never seen a lvl 4 Cornealus before. Such an amazing tank, nice use of him with the ruleset. loved it.


thank you. The only reason why don't use it as tank more often is that it also has high attack power so losing that seems like a bit of a waste.
