Strategy for NEW Players Getting Started!


I was recently asked what is the best way to start playing Splinterlands???

And the short answer is just buy a spell book and start doing the daily quests to build a deck! For $10 its a no brainer really!!!

I thought about it for a bit and just could not see a better point of entry unless you didn`t mind throwing a fair chunk of money at it!

If you have that luxury at your disposal then go out and buy a load of cards you like the look of and have some fun!!!

The funny thing is I tried to get my mate who was asking many months ago in February to start playing but he showed no real interest!

I only started playing in Feb myself but have built a deck worth over $2.7k from around a $150 invested!

My strategy was to obtain one of each card that looked useful, I also built a low mana gold water set to use to earn a bit more DEC when I could! For some reason the water cards were my early day trump cards! I decided not to combine my cards when I got doubles.

I also got lucky in buying 3 land plots when the BRAVE 20% sale was on! In hindsight I would of bought a lot lot more!!!

This was another reason for me to not upgrade my cards due to being able to use them for farming resources on the land in the future, I decided the more the merrier and will reassess this once the land update is fully functional!

You will be able to compete at the top of silver tier 1 with mostly level one cards.

I now find myself stuck as I really need to combine my cards and to increase my power by 25k to reach gold league! I would need to spend a bit of money to do this!

I`m just enjoying playing doing my daily quests and have recently joined a top 20 guild! (Anti Social Club) Not really got involved in the brawls much as the low level ones get taken up so fast!!!

I would hop into discord and find a guild to join as this will increase your DEC for won battles and give you small discounts on card packs.

But if you are brand new then now is the time to jump straight in and get involved, Buy some good cheap tanks like Sea Monster, Goblin Mech, Flesh Golem and Magna Lava and start building your deck.

Just imagine when lands come out and more and more people start playing you will be happy to get involved as early as possible!

Maybe we will see even more price hikes and with interoperable market places like on WAX (atomic hub) you have a great platform to buy and sell and convert back to the game as you see fit!

This is all part of the fun and Splinterlands is just getting started in my humble opinion!

I hope you enjoyed reading my first blog post, Leave a comment and let me know what you thought!?

That would be really awesome!

Have a great day,


blog new player strategy.png
YouTube gameplay video:


Awesome article I just wish I had brought land.


Thanks man, In hindsight I would of also bought a lot more!!!
