Hackers are getting Serious And We’re All Just Sitting Ducks



I'm very afraid with what's going on in the world. Now a company could accidentally hire a North Korean cybercriminal. This is a possibility because remote work is booming so this could happen to anyone or any organization.

If you're used to checking LinkedIn, you could tell when a profile looks very shady but who actually double checks every detail on every profile? Every company is in a race to dominate so they're moving very fast without being careful. They can mistakenly hire a hacker to work for them. This is the story out there right now. Apparently, North Koreans have been moving into Western companies for years so this is not something new at all.

Just imagine you’re peacefully running your business, everything’s fine and then one day you find out your IT guy is siphoning money off to North Korea. I'm not saying all North Koreans are like that, no, but we meed to be careful about who we think is good.

It's a very serious case because it’s not just about them quietly collecting paychecks anymore, they’re going for the big money now, stealing data, blackmailing companies and demanding huge sums of money in cryptocurrency so they don't get traced.

These hackers have been inside the system for months and I think it might get worse in 2025. Why do such crimes go unnoticed. So when will these companies pay attention to basic security? Maybe they are and the hackers are too good to be stopped.

Cyber security might be a bigger topic in the news next year because as tech companies keep improving, they're basically creating better tools for these hackers. I would say the main lesson here is to always stay skeptical about who you work with. But nowadays skepticism that doesn’t even seem like enough to protect ourselves anymore.
