see the beautiful village rice fields on Wednesday

Many people may be proud to live in a metropolitan city. Maybe many people feel the luckiest because they live in a city that has everything and everything that is developed. But for me there is no place as beautiful as this place, where when my feet touch the ground, all the tiredness of my soul disappears. That's the village.
Living in a big city like Yogyakarta is indeed fun. Like a big city, there are many life-supporting facilities that can be enjoyed. Especially with the charm of culture, tourism and the aura of the city which is said to be comfortable. And indeed many people said they felt at home and wanted to say hello again.

However, like most big cities, it is close to many annoying things. Yogyakarta's fast-growing giantism makes its ecosystem increasingly prone to fatigue. Like a newborn giant, his heartbeat is so strong, the rhythm of city life often makes him tired easily.

Finally, "escape" to restore freshness to the soul and mind becomes a necessity. I'm the same way, if I don't go home, my grandfather's house is the choice to wash away the tiredness caused by the pounding of city life.

Grandpa's house is in a small village south of Klaten. Mr De's family also lives there. Therefore, when you visit there there are always lots of voices greeting you. Even though it's not like the incomparable greetings of parents, sibling greetings are still something "expensive". Moreover, in my grandfather's village, everyone I met always brought warmth. It doesn't matter whether we know you or not, if we pass by or they pass in front of us, a nod of the head accompanied by the greeting "monggo" or just a smile is so touching.

Leaving the Jogja-Solo highway to enter the road to the village and Mount Merapi framed beautifully there.

I used to go to my grandfather's village on weekends. Departed Saturday morning and only took 1 hour to reach our destination. My smile usually immediately spreads when I leave the asphalt of the Solo-Jogja highway to immediately enter the road between the rice fields. Here I like to slow down the vehicle to look to the side. The expanse of rice fields and the vastness of the sky are so real before your eyes. If I'm lucky I can even find Mount Merapi framed in the distance. Even though it's not too far from Jogja, what is served at this place is very different.

When I arrived at my grandfather's house, my habit was to say hello and then sit with him for a moment in the living room. After that I will say goodbye to enjoy the beauty of the village. You don't need to go far to start looking for this beauty because right in front of grandfather's house the stretch of rice fields with a backdrop of green hills is so real. From the front of this grandfather's house, the rising sun will come directly into your eyes. Really fun.

The morning sun shines on the village road in the middle of the rice fields. Right at the end of the street my grandfather's house stood and the large cold white building there was the church. Village residents are used to living in diversity. They simply maintain tolerance.

Next I started entering the rice fields. Walking slowly along the edge of the road, the water flows in a small ditch snaking towards the rice fields. The clarity radiates freshness. On the right and left sides of the road, flowers were blooming, providing a contrasting color to the green grass. The coolness of the morning is even more touching thanks to the mist that still hangs, leaving dew droplets on the tips of the leaves. I often find butterflies behind the leaves. Maybe he just woke up. Very beautiful.

