Splinterlands' Proposal and the Latest Controversy

To be honest, I believe the splinterlands proposal should have passed by now; it had every reason to do so, and I want it to pass for sentimental reasons and to ensure the game's continued existence as the largest flagship project on Hive.

The only issue I had was with some SPL influencers on Twitter who believe Hive is holding back Splinterlands and that the game should leave if they do not receive the intended 500k.

They most likely do not understand how a symbiotic relationship works, so they are ready to jump ship at the slightest provocation to a chain that will pump their SPL bags and assets. Now I understand why someone would choose to vote on the return proposal rather than the proposal passing smoothly. I noticed a few people questioning how the money will be spent, possibly through a drop-down or analysis.

I agree that details on how the money will be spent should be provided, if not for Hive users who are uninterested in this proposal, then for accountability, documentation, participation, and satisfaction, and finally, for posterity. I do not think this is too difficult; the drop-down can be completed quickly, and those who are keeping the proposal from passing can lay down their guns.

The Bear Market Makes People Extra Edgy

I understand that splinterlands have produced results in the past even when no one believes they are capable of doing so, but it is no longer 2021, and many people may be transferring aggression on this proposal.

I believe that if there had been more interaction between the Hive and the Splinterlands, there would be less of this. It is not one-way.

Some Hive users are unfamiliar with or unimpressed with Splinterlands, and some SPL players are similarly uninterested in or unfamiliar with Hive. So there is a huge gap, no transition between Splinterlands players and Hive main users, and this is due to a lack of information about how Splinterlands complements Hive and vice versa.

It is the first time that splinterlands has needed funding to run things, and a lot of people are not used to it, and some are actually hostile to what they do not know, which boils down to the issue of division.

I believe that the fact that the proposal did not pass smoothly demonstrates this divide, and this is where Splinterlands INC realized that perhaps not needing money from Hive over the years is one of the reasons why many Splinterlands players were unaware that funding is something that Hive can provide. I will say it again: knowing the space that houses your favorite projects is critical.

Twitter (X) SPL influencers Aren't Helping Matters

Assume a splinterlands Twitter influencer is tasked with finding another chain for splinterlands. Will they randomly choose any chain, submit an application to the chain for 500k, and instantly make it happen, or will they be specific about one? Would not they need to do some research before deciding on one?

Only a few splinterlands users are aware of governance and the DHF, and if many more were aware of this, they would most likely be inclined to learn more, but because splinterlands was privately owned and run, I am guessing a few Hive users are bitter about this and finding it difficult to accept that SPL requires funding.

Businesses Can Make Financial Mistakes

However, it is an unavoidable phase, and Splinterlands INC requires assistance; anyone can make the mistakes that the project owners have made. There is no need to dwell on the mistakes of the past few years; they have happened. The 2021 hype was huge and actually helped Hive in many ways, and if nothing else, the proposal should pass as a result of this.

There is no point in dwelling on the past, and we all know splinterlands INC has realized they have made a lot of mistakes, which are not the result of the bear market, but of the constant tweaking over the last two years. Again, this proposal should pass, Splinterlands is too family for it not to.

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I tried to vote but something did not work right..I'll try again tonight. How close is it from passing?


Well, it's how close to how well the top whales and top stakeholders actually wants it to pass..


The need for better communication between Splinterlands and Hive users is clear brother. A better understanding of the benefits could help everyone in the game


For me, I feel there's a need for better awareness of what Hive is from a lot of SPL influencers, because what they mostly like to do is go on a bashing rampage


You know what,🤔 that's very true.. that's where a bit of the problem is from I suppose


... so they are ready to jump ship at the slightest provocation to a chain that will pump their SPL bags and assets.

They are just about the same gang who had no problem sending the STEEM community asunder rather than loose those sweet mining rights that come with being a top 20 witness. Follow the money with that bunch.


Can anyone vote, even if you don't play the game?
I would love to do so.


Hive and splinterlands certainly need to work together for mutual benefit. Good post my man.

!wine !beer !pizza


Splinterlands I'm sure needs the help to survive, but it was their own stupid decisions that put them where they are. Aggy didn't help things by trying to bully witnesses into supporting the prop. It's become a giant soap opera now, and over on Discord everyone is talking about it... I hope they survive because I like you have a lot of assets in the game!


Terrible decisions making by them over the course of two years. I don't know who came up with the idea of those tweaks and changes that finally ruined the business and fun aspect of the game and to be very honest, it wasn't very nice to force votes from people.
This proposal thing should have been a roundtable thing instead of being a banter discussion in-chain


There are valid concerns about the proposal and I think all proposals should have a breakdown on how the funds are used. I agree that its the first time that they needed funding. I think its fine to give them a chance and if things aren't working out, it's always possible to remove the funding later.


Well, you're right its good they actually get this funding to put things straight and I'm certain they can put into perspective how this fund is intended to be used though. It'll eventually pass, I know this


I've just read another reply at the top of the Splinterlands proposal drama.

Looks like some people are looking at it as a bailout, which is a fair point... it is that. The problem is their response to that is to handle it like vulture capitalists, and want to take a piece of Splinterlands to give them funding. That's not the way to handle it either, if you believe capitalist ways of bailing out are wrong, as well as the socialists ways of spreading the loss to everyone (spreading the gains when Splinterlands was booming was ok, then?). Find a way that is more mature, and doesn't seem so like "I've got you cornered now!".

Funny thing is that while some people pick on details, probably the only reason keeping Splinterlands on Hive under the circumstances is Hive-Engine and that moving out is a too bigger project for them.
