Technological Disruption is Key to Saudi Arabia’s New Healthcare Vision


Securing the nation’s health is central to Saudi Arabia’s plans to diversify the economy and develop key sectors. The country’s Vision 2030 initiative provides a blueprint for how Saudi Arabia will open up to the world – reimagining vital industries such as healthcare, education, media and tourism in an effort to transition away from a reliance on oil revenues.
With the support of the country’s Public Investment Fund (PIF), Vision 2030 aims to improve access to healthcare services through an equitable geographical distribution system that provides world-class medical coverage in a country of 34 million people. Plans are in place to bring accessible healthcare to even the most remote parts of Saudi Arabia, and to consolidate the system currently in place.


Lean Business Services, a government-owned company operating under the Ministry of Health, is working as a key facilitator of e-health innovations. By creating an integrated national platform, Lean is bringing together the three main stakeholders of the healthcare ecosystem: patients, practitioners and providers. The company is using cutting-edge technologies alongside data-driven digitalization to transform the entire healthcare experience and promote succinct communication.
“The health and quality of life of people is a priority for the Saudi leadership,” says Mohanned Alrasheed, CEO, Lean Business Services. “Today, the health sector provides a number of quality services, but getting those services together will better serve the purpose. Lean wants to be the national hub that uses emerging technologies to get all health-related services in one place.”


Lean’s online health services allow patients access to a variety of services at their fingertips. They can schedule tele-consultations and book appointments with licensed practitioners through an online portal, and the system also makes it possible to order prescriptions online, with deliveries straight to people’s homes – a feature especially impactful in a country where 15% of the population lives in rural areas, according to the World Bank.
Lean’s creation of a single, integrated platform will provide a faster, more effective approach to diagnosis and treatment, and Alrasheed takes pride in his team’s success in launching a solution that is used by millions daily.
“What drives us at Lean is the opportunity to see our impact,” he says. “We go back to our homes and see what this means to our families and friends. That gives us the energy to get up in the morning and to be excited about doing something for the people of Saudi Arabia.”


Technological disruption continues to reshape industries and daily life, but it also brings challenges like security concerns. One significant issue is the rise of Facebook Marketplace scams. As the platform grows in popularity, scammers exploit its reach, deceiving unsuspecting users with fake listings or fraudulent transactions. This undermines trust and highlights the darker side of technological advances. Companies must innovate to enhance security measures, while users need to stay vigilant. Despite these challenges, technological disruption remains a powerful force, driving progress and innovation across various sectors, yet reminding us of the ongoing battle between convenience and security.

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