The gift of true friendship


When I think about true friendship, one name always comes to my mind - Chidera. She is not just a friend, she is a beacon of light, a shoulder to cry on and always there to lift me up. Our friendship is a testament to what it means to be there for someone through thick and thin.

We grew up in the same compound, her house was just above mine. She usually comes to my place when she free and I go to hers when I'm free. We both went to different primary and secondary school, even different universities but she was my best friend. She understood me.

The first time I understood the depth of Chidera's loyalty was when I got ill. I couldn't get medication because I didn't have money to get them, she, without hesitation paid for treatment. I was moved by her generosity, but she simply shook it off saying, 'that's what friends do".

It wasn't just the big gestures that made her special, it was her everyday kindness, we weren't in the same school but it felt like we were. When I was too broke to buy manuals, she would send me money to get them.

What amazes me the most about her is her ability to give even when she has little. I remember a time we were both struggling financially, I needed money to pay my rent and I couldn't put a call across to home, and without me asking, Chidera offered her last few card. I knew she needed it too, but she insisted, saying, "Your need is greater right now. We'll figure out mine later."

Her support goes beyond the financial, she has been my emotional anchor through breakups and family problems. Our friendship isn't one-sided, though. I strive to be there for Chidera just as she's been there for me. We've celebrated each other's victories, no matter how small, and faced challenges together.

Through the years Chidera has taught me what it means to be a friend. It's not about grand gestures or always having the right words. It's about showing up, always and completely.

Chidera is more than a friend; she's family. She's the sister I chose, the one who's seen me at my worst and still believes in my best.

In a world where relationships often feel short, I'm very grateful for Chidera's presence in my life. She embodies the true meaning of "through thick and thin," and I know that no matter what life throws our way, we'll face it together.
Images are mine


So many times financial situations can strain relationships, especially when money is used for the wrong reasons, etc. Your friend sounds very selfless, a good trait to have, and it's great that you have been able to be there for her in your own way. It sounds like a friendship that has stood the test of time!

Thank you for sharing and enjoy your week 🙏


She is the best friend to have. Our friendship has truly stood the test of time.
Thanks for reading.


Your friend is truly a good friend indeed, putting your needs above hers and always supporting you in times of needs, this is the character of a selfless and humble person and should be cherished greatly. Hope your friendship keeps on booming, have a nice day


Yea, she is truly a great friend. Thanks for stopping by.
