Lotus Athenaeum

Torn pieces of paper covered the floor of the Lotus Athenaeum. Its shelves, once full of books, were now stained with dried ink and blood. The tomes that did remain were missing numerous pages. Putting them back together was a puzzle Delya did not wish to solve. The Xenith archer dusted off her aqua and white outfit and tended to her wounds.  —From Insights, an entry in the Tome of CHAOS
Collection: Chaos Legion
Total Edition(s): 50
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splinterlands 5 Private 7000 SPT ($0.457)
splinterlands 6 Private 7000 SPT ($0.457)
splinterlands 7 Private 7000 SPT ($0.457)
splinterlands 8 Private 7000 SPT ($0.457)
splinterlands 9 Private 7000 SPT ($0.457)
splinterlands 10 Private 7000 SPT ($0.457)
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@abrockman bought edition #4 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@abrockman bought edition #3 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@abrockman bought edition #2 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@druidsblood bought edition #1 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands tokenized 50 editions
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