Zachary - Gigas Memorial Tournament - Rest in Peace, WE All Love You!


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RIP Gigas

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Hello everyone, I am so very sad. I just found out a few days ago from my fiance ty2nicerva that Gigas as we all knew him (Zachary) passed away. He was an awesome Twitch streamer and Splinterlands Player and Proud Officer of the @acolytesofhelio Guild who streamed on Twitch as gigasdoesgaming HERE Gigas has been playing Splinterlands for 5 to 6 months, he took 90% of his life savings and put it in the game. He loved Splinterlands from the moment he saw it! I was so incredibly lucky to have caught one of his streams a few weeks ago. He would normally be streaming when I would sign off and I got the chance to raid him a few times with many players coming into his stream, he loved that! It has been a very sad week, lots of crying here for him and his family and what they are going through.

I wish I had known him sooner! I wish I had been able to do more for him. When I saw on his Twitch stream the tag quadriplegic, instantly my heart broke. My son Adil who is 25 was born with Cerebral palsy and is not able to walk, talk, etc. I told Gigas this and he was so sad for Adil, he said (as he always did) God bless him and me too. How could someone who is not able to walk himself and has many health issues be so generous and selfless as he was? Also, Gigas was so funny! He was like a comedian at times, to say the least! He also brought a lot of players into Splinterlands from his streams! I gathered a few clips from his stream below and some like the Beavis and Australian accent clips will make you smile and laugh instantly! He made me want to do better as a person. I really loved his streams and I will miss him so much.

Every time someone came on his stream, he just wanted to know how they were, how their day was. He was an amazing person and player and lover of Splinterlands as well! I regret so much that I did not find him sooner, not being able to do more for him. When I came into his stream the first time, I saw he was giving out his SPS for giveaways so I sent him 1K SPS and I gifted some subscriptions but I wish I had done more. He talked about not being able to post on Hive much as his fingers caused typing to be very difficult for him. These are the types of things we all take for granted every single day.

My son Adil wakes up most days with a big smile on his face even though he cannot get up, sit up, walk, communicate in any way, etc. He smiles though, he lives on! This is very hard for me to write but we do all need to come together and share a time to remember Gigas in Splinterlands. If you knew Gigas and joined his streams or not please leave a comment below and I will send this post over to his parents. My fiance ty2nicerva was actually sending Gigas a free camera and Splinterlands T-shirt for his streams, Gigas was so happy about this! He went to bed last Friday so happy his Father told Ty. He knew he had people who cared about him in Splinterlands. If you would love to help in any way, please buy one of his cards for sale. Let's try to help out his family and show him some major Monster love right now. We can all do this together!

Splinterlands is a great community, I have always known this and it is one of the reasons I love the game so much! I will be praying for you Zachary (Gigas as we all knew him by) and for your family. God bless you all and please know there are so many in the Splinterlands community who loved your son and watching his live streams! He is deeply missed here and it will not ever be the same without him here.

Watch The Live stream Memorial tournament held on Saturday Aug.28,2021 at 5:00 PM EST splinterlandsclove71 on Twitch Here:

This is the sad statement from his Father I will share with you all:

This is an open letter to my son, Zachary who went to be with the Lord yesterday. I miss you already. Your fight is over and you are now victorious. You were always a pistol and had more personality than most. Generous to a fault, and all you wanted was love and affection. Your mother and I loved you dearly, we know that you knew that. All we wanted was for you to be whole again. We selfishly wanted it to happen in this life, but it wasn't in God's plan. I wouldn't trade anything for the memories that we had together. God has you in His loving arms where you can't be hurt anymore.
The following are a few pictures of some great times we had together, like when he got to ride in a classic Pontiac convertible before the Dream Cruise. He LOVED his big doggies Zena and Willie and they loved him unconditionally.
I cannot wait to see and hold you again my son.
Details of our celebration of Zachary's life will be coming soon. We are still working things out.


--------------------Fellow Splinterlands Monsters--- Please leave your words for Zachary's Gigas- Parents below in the comments, I will send them this post for them to view the comments. Also, we have created a Memorial tournament for Saturday, August 28th at 5:00 PM EST. I will be streaming it on Twitch and Youtube. The links are below. We will never forget you Gigas! Please join the tournament here and please buy any cards that he has left for sale. I bought about 1K worth and will buy more on Saturday - View his collection here and join the tournament here;

Chris Love:
Hello, I am so incredibly sorry to hear of Zachary's passing. I just met him recently a few weeks ago when I caught one of his Splinterlands live streams on Twitch as gigas. When I saw he had quadriplegic my heartfelt instantly for him as my son also cannot walk, talk, etc. due to cerebral palsy at birth. Zachary felt so bad for my son and said how lucky my son Adil was to have me like he was to have his parents who loved him so much. He was an amazing person, even in the short time I knew him, he had a big impact. I am so very sorry for your loss, the world will be less bright without him in it. As he always told me- God Bless you and your family.

His Father's response: his father, I can tell you that he was larger than life itself. He kept his pain mostly to himself. He didn't want others to feel sorry for him and just to treat him as normal. I know that he derived great joy from the live streams and it gave him a purpose to live. Thanks to all that befriended him. I know that it meant very much to my son.

Some great clips from gigas's stream! We made his month better!!

I made a few clips of his recent live streams where I raided him!

Thankful for his parents:

It was one of the best streams he ever had!

Cornavirus gave his SPS yesterday and wanted to give everyone a hug! His Australia accent- the dingo ate your baby!!

"Life is tough for every one of us." ~Gigas

"Grateful to be alive and here"- Gigas

Gigas last pinned Twitter post about of course his favorite, Splinterlands!

Gigas gets SPS for his giveaways!

"Ninjobu ---I'll miss you, much love my man!"

"Hey, it's an earth quest man, you gotta abuse Kron a little bit" ~Gigas

Yes, take this SPS please-- Gigas-- so fine lol!! "I was born in 1969" ~@jamesclover69 -in the chat

God gave me a spirit of generosity and I rolled with it." ~@gigas

69 was one of the best years"~gigas Kira1995- for me, it would be 90

'Fire is my go-to splinter for everything" ~@gigas BEAVIS impression----LOL!!!

Chewbacca impressions

To watch one of Gigas' streams copy and paste this link to view it - it won't work if you click on it but the copy & paste method works) :

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We All Love You Zachary - Gigas!!!
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I wish you luck in your battles and daily quest loot chests!

I will see you all on the battlefield!

May the Monsters be with you.

Chris Love @clove71
Splinterlands Rep

All proceeds of this post will go towards purchases of any cards of gigas left for sale- there are some that are not up for sale yet- I have left a message on gigas's Twitch for his friend bee to please list them asap. Thank you all! God Bless you all!


Unfortunately i didn't have a chance to meet him, but I am sure he was and always stay as an amazing guy in our hearts. It is a big loss to all Splinterlands community and world...

@CLOVE71, Thank you for sharing that story, and I am sure you are incredible mom of a very unique angel-boy. I wish your son keep smiling and enjoy the life...


Rest in Peace, dear summoner!
May that High Priest Darius have mercy of your soul!


So sorry to know that. Never met him, but by your words, it shares a trait with you, and one I normally see in this wonderful community: a big and generous heart!


Dear Zachary or Officer Gigas of the @acolytesofhelio, you will always be with us! Your kind heart your fun ways to cheer us up.

You where the one that welcomed me to the guild channel!

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You helped me with tons of knowledge on splinterlands and you are the reason I invested into a tract of land! Thanks for that brother!

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Our private messages when you where sitting in a power outage
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You where a member of our guild from 14th of April and you will be always in our hall of fame!

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You shared your wisdom with us:
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You where in general the brightness and happiness in person. And nobody can fill that spot...

On Saturday the whole splinterlands family will fight for you in a tournament that has never been seen before in the Arena of Mount Mox. All monsters will roar grunt and screech your Name: GIGAS the Untamed! Even if you officially do not own that title we all know that you deserve it.

On Saturday we fight, and you will be next to us the Acolytes and Disciples of Helio and we will say good bye to you, in the best manner of Summoners from the Splinterlands.

I love you as a brother even though I barely knew you and we never met in person, but your way of greeting me in your streams always made me feel that we know each other from long ago. I wish I had spent more time in your streams, I am sorry brother that I could not be there every time.

Dear parents of Zachary your son was a shining Splintershard in the midst of darkness. He brought happiness whenever he came to our server and we are missing him so much already. I am so very sorry for your loss. I can hardly imagine the pain you must be feeling since I do not have children of my own. Zachary was a great human, the world would be a better place if some of our leaders would act like he did. Now the world got a little bit darker and a little bit emptier without him.
Your son was loved by many of us and we will never forget him.

Goodbye Gigas you will be missed


Rest in peace Gigas. And Thank you for all the fun during streams!


Rest in peace Gigas! See you on the battlegrounds of beyond.

Dear parents of Zachary I feel very sorry for your loss!


I the name of all Acolytes and Disciples of Helio:
Officer Gigas has left the Arena. We honor him by battling on! His shining memory will always make us fight harder and come out victorious in our brawls to come.

Dear parents of Zachary, your son was a beloved member of our guild and a help to anyone who was in need. We will miss him in our ranks and we can`t even think of giving his spot to anyone else. He will always be remembered as a founder and fighter of our guild.
Our deepest condolences and our thoughts and prayers go out to you who loved him and be assured that he loved you very much, he told us in his streams. He told us when he talked about the costume you made him for a contest and he was so happy to have won. We want to share this with you since he is talking about you and being proud of you.

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Goodbye Officer Gigas! Rest in peace Acolyte and brother.


Zachary / Gigas,

You were one of the first streamers that I ever found in the Splinterlands community. It's kindness like yours that makes this community so great. You even were kind enough to invite me into the guild. I was surprised and yet encouraged when I found out that you were a quadriplegic. I'm sure that fight was not an easy one. My prayers go out to your parents and the rest of your family. Though your physical fight was a fierce one I'm sure, I take comfort in knowing that you also fought spiritually. Even though you've passed on, I believe that you have lived out these words from Paul:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved His appearing.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4:6-8‬

Rest in Peace


Love going out to gigas and his family and all those close to him. The best ones go too early. Always a smile on his face and love and passion for the game and all of us. The community will miss such a shining light.


I appreciate this post and homage to Gigas and wish we had more time to be with him. He was an amazing and kind soul.


I bought his Undead Minotaur. I needed one and was in the process of making a level 6. Would love to buy more if I can sell some more things myself. Thank you for putting this whole post together; meeting him in that raid was a happy memory. Makes me want to stream myself; perhaps I will... his story mirrors mine in a lot of ways including using our disability money to go all in on this game. I have a life again for it.. I know he felt similarly with a similar size collection. I miss him a lot for only a brief meeting; I learned all I needed to know in being disabled too... <3 Gigas


Had never met him but by your post I can tell he was inspirational.

May he rest in peace.


Gigas was the first twitch I ever watched and he got my hooked, I would try to never miss a stream even having on ear in while in a meeting. He was such a amazing vibrant performer and his ability to make everyone feel includes was amazing. The best part was he was happy to roll with whatever people wanted to talk about l, I remember a while episode with only one battle and we all just chatted about sps and his passion for the game shone thru and he was energy was contagious and got you hooked on the game. Worlds a little bit dimmer now his gone.


Rest in Peace, Gigas!


This is sad, but I'm glad the game and community is coming together to show their love.


@clove71 thanks to YOU writing about Zachary I Just Realized the WHOLE WORLD needs a lot of !LUV Right Now and May GOD Bless Everyone because all of Humanity is Going to Have Blessings Poured Out Onto Them in Great Abundance..............


Godspeed Zachary/Gigas. All of us guildmates miss you buddy. If any of his family ever reads these comments please know that your son was awesome. You were an awesome person to talk to in discord, and you could play a mean Splinterlands hand. Not embellishing either when I say he was the most laid back and pleasant person of everyone in our guild, and I don't think anyone would disagree.


Love you bud, Godspeed.


Gigas, this is hard bro. Wish you didn’t have to go but I know the Lord has something bigger and better for you. Even though our friendship was “online” it was real and genuine.

I remember the first time we actually chatted. It was a voice chat in our Discord server. I noticed he was in there by himself and I jumped in and we started talking. It was crazy because it was just so natural from the start. He asked me about streaming because I used to stream daily and was currently just streaming part time. So told him what was involved and what he was going to need to get started. I walked him through OBS and setting it all up.

Then Gigas went live for the first time with a test stream and we went back and forth getting everything looking and sounding good. When he first started , it’s like anybody who has streamed before, you’re lucky if 1, maybe 2 people watch your stream. But Gigas ran with streaming when many others would have given up. And he had quite a following he had amassed due to his personality. Though his streams were voice only, you could hear the person Gigas was. People wanted to engage with him.

Gigas also loved the game Splinterlands. In subsequent conversations he would tell me about putting his money into the game and what he was buying. He was a true believer in play2earn and nft based games. Not just the earning money part but the actual gameplay and strategy involved.

I would try to make most of Gigas’ streams on Twitch. If I could I would just jump in to say hi even if I couldn’t hang around. And when he saw me he would say “Oh hi Dude! Welcome our great guild leader!” I knew he was being sarcastic so I would tell him to knock it off. Well, then all the other subsequent times he would lay it on even thicker. Then I would give it back to him in chat every time he messed up something or would forget to change his intro screen to the game. When he would catch his mistake I hit him with “ Gigas showing off his pro streamer moves!” He would just chuckle and reply “Yeah. Pro streamer moves” We had a lot fun busting each other's chops.

Also in our Splinterlands guild, he was well loved and a major part of our community. Willing to help newer players and was a major part in moving our little guild to greater heights.

To Zack’s parents. I just want you to know that he was a special person not only to me but many, many others in our Splinterlands guild, community and to all of his followers on Twitch. You don’t run into many people like Zack in your lifetime, but when you do it leaves an impression that none of us will ever forget. He was loved by those of us that had the good fortune of the Lord bringing him into our lives. The only regret is that we couldn’t have more time with him.

God Bless you Gigas. Love ya bro!


my sincerest condolences clove71.


I did not personally know gigas, I have seen his name around though. This post really touched me deeply. Hopefully, for his loved ones and the communities he was apart of, there will be healing sooner than later while leaning on the special memories that were created while @gigas was here. Sorry to hear about your loss.


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I met Gigas before I joined the same Splinterlands guild because I was looking for a stream to learn more about the game and - there he was. With his open, cheerful banter, all the energy and love for life came through his voice on his streams. They'd usually coincide with me getting off work, playing a bit, and then rushing off to make dinner for hubby and me. Which I chatted about with Gigas on stream and he commented that 'he'd love to have that dinner' - made me smile. The interaction he had with his viewers was very real.

Virtual friendships are real. I am going to miss you, Gigas. Rest in peace.

To your family and friends my deepest condolences. Zack's passing is a shock to many, but toughest on you and I wish you all the strength to get through these rough times. I feel very fortunate to have met Zack. God Bless.


My thoughts are with his family. I did not get a chance to watch him live but I did just watch the clip of him Streaming in the opening post and it sounds like he was having a great time doing so. It was awesome listening to him tell everyone in his stream that they made his day and then saying "clove you made my month". He sounded like a great person and so are you @clove71.


Rest in peace Gigas. So sad I didn't experience to play with a legend. My deepest condolences to your family for the loss of a loved one

Gigas, you will surely be missed.


The most important thing in life is leaving something valuable. Gigas was great streamer, he left this world, but we have replays of his streams. Content creators always with their art they make will be immortal. They will live that long, how many times someone watch their video or mention about them. I am really happy to see that so many people are here to say good bye to Gigas. It mean very much for his family.
I never known him, never saw his live stream before.
Now I see replay from twitch and I can tell you that Gigas was person with great personality.
Rest in peace friend of many people.


I didn't know Gigas that well but we had a few interactions on a few discord servers. I immediately understood that he was a great guy and an awesome person to talk to. You were the one to introduce me to this awesome guild and I thank you for that! We Acolytes will do our best to make you proud with our guild. Rest in peace buddy, you will be missed.


I'm so sadden by this news...
Gigas was one of the friendliest and nicest person I know...
He definitely was one of my first few friends in Splinterlands and made me stay...

I'm sure he's in a better place now but I'd wish he'd stay with us a bit longer...
Thank you Gigas, for everything...


Hi clove, yeah im the Australian in his twitch channel. I like to say that it was an honour to be his first twitch subsciber, he was a funny cool guy who made the best of his situation and wasn't afraid to have a laugh about himself and gave as good as he got. It will be sad to think of his hard work with his twitch channel just starting to take off having recently designing and implemeting a brand logo never seeing fruition. He was inspiring in the way he went about his business and his generosity is something I'll never foget. At least he is at peace now and I offer my sincerest condolences. Rest in peace Gigas -Platypus-Dundee


I'm new to the Splinterlands game and Gigas was the 1st streamer that I came across and I recognized how great he was. His kindness, humor, and community focus stood out and kept me coming back. See he was a fellow Jesus lover, sealed the deal for my multiple returns! It was always a good time. It was through Gigas's streams that I meet Clove71 and was introduced to many more great people in the Splinterlands gaming community. He will be truly missed and look forward to meeting him again someday.


Rest in peace fellow digital soldier o7. You will be very, very much missed..


Hey @clove71, thanks for doing the stream and tourney today. Good to be with your community at this. Let's celebrate @gigas having been here with us. I didn't get to meet @gigas. Being too busy with other lively things I am. But I see there are quite a few of you who were. I, too, like to say goodbye. So it looks I managed to be at the memorial tournament just now.



Thanks for the help your streams was so fun and informative the beauty is you helped around the world I am from the UK your reach and help is now universal R.I.P. Condolences to the family


I just joined splinterlands community a month ago and I didnt catch up with one of gigas streams but as a fellow gamer big respect and condolence to the family. RIP GIGAS


Unfortunately I did not meet him, seeing his stream I have no doubt that he was and he is a beautiful person, find out about this made me remember we have to appreciate what we have and always put a smile on everyone's face.

Numbers 6:24-26: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Rest in peace Gigas.


he sounds like a great guy and a great pillar in the splinterlands community,
I'm sorry he passed, hope his card collection will go to benefit his family now


Im so sorry to hear about him passing. Ive never meet him but he seemed like a really cool guy full of life. May he rest in peace.


I didn't get to know gigas very well but was lucky enough to catch a few of his streams and he was an incredible person he brought a lot of joy to the community and viewers and you could tell he was in love with the game and extremely excited for the future of it.

We will all miss you gigas and just know the community will never forget you, there is a lot of people reaching out to aggy and the team to get a card named after you to fully immortalize you in the game which would be an awesome tribute for an awesome guy. RIP gigas
