
Its August and currently we are on the last 2 remaning Conflicts events. The Conflicts rewards has been focused on Summoner cards with dual Splinter type and 2 alternatives of buffs. So far they are the most expensive Summoner coming from Rebellion editions. Risqruel Drath and Lorkus has stood for the Fire Splinter. With Eternal Tofu, the Earth Splinter has got 2 of these Summoner. Cryptic together with Lorkus made up the 2 Summoner for the Death Splinter. And currently we are expecting Elias Max Pruitt which complete the circle by adding Summoner under Life Splinter and Water Splinter.

Costing 7 mana means they almost as powerful as the Legendary Summoner such as Byzantine Kitty and Yodin Zaku. While their alternative abilities are limited to few selected cards only, they still pose powerful buff with 2 abilities applies to entire formation. So we will take a deep down look into their abilities.


First let's take a look at the standard abilities of each Summoners:
Risqruel Drath : +1 Ranged, Flying
Cryptic : -1 Speed, Blind
Eternal Tofu : +2 Health, Snare, Thorns
Elias Max Pruitt : +1 Melee, +1 Armor
Lorkus : +1 Melee, +1 Magic

As we have seen, the Summoners have no certain pattern on their provided abilities. Damage semeed to be the mostly seen abilities, with Melee available on 2 Summoner, while the rest is available on 1 Summoner only. Lorkus bring a massive firepower with melee and magic buff altogether, while we know that Fire and Death Splinter have some of the most comprehensive melee cards and magic cards. Cryptic seemed to be the reverse of Water Splinter. While Water Splinter collection and abilities are mostly focused on high speed, Cryptic sent threat by lowering the opponent speed and accuracy. Risqruel Darth has one of the rarest ability as Summoner and that is Flying (so far only Brighton Bloom possessed it before). Its the most sought after and certainly used under Earthquake ruleset.

My though on Eternal Tofu is a bit mixed. While Snare is a good counter against Summoner such as Risqruel Darth, the chances of using it is relatively small. Only health buff and Thorns which make a great combination in a Melee Mayhem ruleset. Elias Max Pruitt might be the least of all. Melee is a good buff, but granting only a +1 Armor is a bit lack.

With all the things been said, next we will take a review on the alternative abilities to see if these will make any differences.




True Strike + Impede (x 2)
Taunt + Redemption (x 1)

Certainly True Strike and Impede would be much more valuable and again with 2 use of it. True Strike will ensure Impede to trigger double time each round and quickly stall opponent order of act. But lowering speed supposed to lower opponent evasion which makes True Strike somehow redudant. The good side is, if combined with the Flying buff, Risqruel Drath could form a high evasion formation. Taunt and Redemption isn't a rare abilities to get and have minor effect. But under low mana cap battle, with formation consist of low health unit card, Redemption might have significant impact to opponent.



Enfeeble + Retaliate (x 2)
Expose + Poison (x 2)

Enfeeble and Retaliate might be contradictory with -1 Speed and Blid. The purpose of Retaliate is for the unit card to sustain damage to trigger it. Blind itself is already a powerful debuff for this Summoner. So bringing Expose and Poison supposed to be a better complement for this Summoner.



Divine Shield + Corrosive Ward (x 3)
Scavenger + Triage (x 1)

While Divine Shield and Corrosive Ward looks way more promising with 3 usage, but their use are more suitable for the short-run. Scavenger and Triage relatively looks minor. But if attached to a glass cannon units, this could turn into massive leverage.



Repair + Cleanse (x 1)
Piercing + Armored Strike (x 1)

I'm still dissatisfied with the alternative for Elias Max. Repair and Cleanse are mediocre support abilities, there are already few number of units with such abilities. Having only 1 usage for it seemed to low, but still imagine bringing additional units with Repair; 2 Repair in single formation would turn into formidable fortress.

Elias Max seemed to work not far from armor effect. Piercing and Armored Strike will be the offensive side of this summoner. Armored Strike is not something to be taken lightly considering the amount of is the exact addition to the melee damage.



Affliction + Life Leech (x 2)
Fury + Trample (x 2)

Between both alternatives, Affliction and Life Leech certainly more preferable and more flexible to use. These abilities should work on any conditions and are very useful to counter opponent with Heal. Fury and Trample are more rare to use. Fury and Trample are more of a backup alternative. They will be more rarely used. But once they are used to counter opponent with Taunt, these abilities could caused shock attack on the first few rounds.


So far I still found Lorkus to be more general to use under any conditions and ruleset. The damage buff, Life Leech, or Trample could suit against any opponent type. Elias Max Pruitt might be the second easist to use, with all the armor related buff and debuff, but this is yet to be tested while the Conflicts reward is still running.


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