SPS Governance Proposal - Tournament Formats Option E


DAO Sponsored Preproposal #1e

Please Note:

It seems that not everyone is aware of how the preproposal process works. In effort to avoid any confusion, please make sure to review this proposal for any changes before voting for it in the final voting round. This is to ensure that you still support the proposal after any changes that have been made during the preproposal process while working to build consensus.

Welcome everyone, we're going to be trying something slightly different for the Tournament rework proposals. As we don't have a multiple choice proposal system, we'll be running multiple linked preproposals. The preproposal with the highest stake weighted support after the 7 day preproposal period will advance to a full vote and have a chance to be ratified by the SPS DAO.

The purpose of this proposal is to outline what Tournament formats the DAO would like to Sponsor going forward. After extensive discussions and polling in the Community Discord server, 5 options for potential tournament formats have been chosen to present to the SPS DAO.

Option E is a draft request from @fatjimmy.



If this option has the most support to move to a full proposal and is then ratified by the DAO, then the choices for the 2 random sets format will be drawn on livestream by @fatjimmy and will change every tournament rotation. The drawing will be done for multiple rotations in advance to allow for monthly tournament creation.

You can read Jimmy's full draft here.

This set of proposals is one piece of a comprehensive Tournament reform. There may be future proposals that address Rewards percentage by format, regular foil and gold foil split, and potentially other issues that could be discovered throughout this process. Those will each be presented in a similar fashion for DAO approval.


I like Option E.

The 2 random sets seems like it would be challenging and may provide some creative and useful combinations that normally wouldn't be seen in the game play we have now.

Personally so far I enjoyed using the Untamed deck the most and having a league on its own I suppose would be alot of fun and also may boost usability in the way that the cards I previously acquired would be more important to me to keep in my playables; while also potentially helping to keep the cards more in demand then before.


You get it!! This a big part of the point of this option... expanding game dynamics and the fun/excitement element!! And keeping older editions relevant with real use cases!


Seems most engaging to motivate people to collect and fight in different divisions and styles so this gets my vote.


Everyone PLEASE click the link to see details of this format option!! There are incredibly vital details that are not mentioned here, such as the single edition rotation (only one of those at a time, on a rotating schedule), the intended 50/50 modern wild split, etc etc...


These are the vital details not mentioned in the proposal copy: If this proposal passes, the tournament formats going forward will be:


Wild (which includes):
*All edition events (full wild)
*Rotating single edition events:
**Beta (+Alpha)
**Chaos Legion
*2 Random (events with 2 random sets)

It is VERY important to point out that the rotating single edition events will NOT be happening simultaneously. Each set will have one group of tournaments in the rotation (bronze through diamond), and then the next set will be scheduled. This will be constantly rotating and only ONE 'single edition' set of events will have active tournaments at any given time in wild. Emphasis in wild will remain on full wild all edition events.

'Single edition' events will include ALL cards with the same border design.
Main set, mini set, rewards and promos.

Alpha cards will be included by default everywhere Beta is specified/allowed.

A simple way to think about the breakdown would be:

Wild (including):
*All edition events
*Rotating single edition
*Random two edition events
If this option has the most support to move to a full proposal and is then ratified by the DAO, then the choices for the 2 random sets format will be drawn on livestream by @fatjimmy for transparency, and will change every tournament rotation. The drawing will be done for multiple rotations in advance to allow for monthly tournament creation.
This tournament format gives value and utility to every edition, introducing multiple use cases. The truly competitive player will need all editions to be fully competitive on the highest level, while newer players can compete regularly and consistently with modern only decks, not only in modern format but also in the 'single edition' wild events when they rotate into play.

This solution offers a healthy compromise for every player... from those who are pushing to keep Alpha only events to those pushing for RB only events. These will all be included, along with events for every full edition, all with equal representation in this 'single edition' slot of tournament creation.

The ‘random two edition’ events will further act to keep all editions relevant, past and future, while keeping tournaments FUN, exciting and unpredictable, testing players’ true skill and depth of card knowledge, on the fly, with odd matchups.

It is absolutely vital to keep older card editions relevant in battle, and not just write them off for land use.
This tournament structure presents card owners with the tough choice of staking cards on land or keeping them playable for these events (either for their own accounts or on the rental market), supporting long term card value across all editions.

This tournament format keeps all editions relevant, with slowly decreasing event frequency as time goes on and more editions enter the single edition rotation, while also maintaining (and actually increasing) event emphasis on the current modern editions.


I could live with the option as well as with A and B


While I prefer the simplicity of option C. I also like this option. If we don't reach a consensus with the current voting options, joining the simplicity of C (wild, modern, new) and maybe the 2 rotating sets from E could be a good compromise. This would get rid of Alpha only which seems to be the biggest deterrent for the playerbase, but would still make them relevant when they came up in the rotating sets.
