RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Hire Splinterlands to Develop the Next Major Card Set - Conclave Arcana

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soo...<$18M in sales for us to make $6m back...? if i expected 30% of Max , and assume max profit @ $49M or so, all in, isnt that only a bit under $15 in sales, meaning the DOA loses $ on this? I am no expert, if someone could correct my math? or bad assumptions?


The math is 600m DEC or $600k with DEC at peg. Its hard to make predictions on sales, but if we do $1.2m in sales, then we hit breakeven. Anything over that is profit for the DAO.

In addition, the DAO gets 10% of all unsold packs. That alone will likely be over $600k in value at peg, the Rebellion packs we hold are well over that amount in value.

Obviously we pay in DEC and get our money back in DEC + packs, neither of those are likely to be monetized anytime soon. But from a financial deal standpoint, this is a great deal for the DAO, its very little risk since we are getting back the same token we are giving out in the first place.
