RE: Splinterlands DHF Proposal

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I think you misunderstand the situation.

Yes, Splinterlands runs on Hive but most Splinterlanders are completely unaware of and indifferent to the engineering, cos we are playing a game.

I doubt there are many splinterlanders that own any Hive at all.


And now the Splinterlands community can see several damn good reasons to not be like that anymore.

I'm aware many are somewhat disconnected. That can easily change. Becomes a beneficial change for all involved.

If the very people who love the game don't want to support it or contribute to its success, why should I?


I have played Splinterlands every single day without fail since discovering it in early 2021. As such, I have apparently been using the Hive blockchain every single day.

As those actions are not published as posts, I get no HP from that activity, despite using hive more than most of you actual Hivers.

To a gamer, Hive is just the engineering it runs on, so not at all interesting per se.

Of course, Hive is much more than that, and its potential is enormous, but the Hive culture is sort of horrible,

You downvote each other in mean and spiteful ways all the time and actually look down on Splinterlanders. I have spent the last year reaching out to Hivers and they almost all just ignore you! One even told me he did not want to listen to me, even though I am trying to grow Hive!

Hive needs to become more open and welcoming, because right now it is realising its potential.

You guys should totally reach out to and support splinterlands!


Have you voted for this proposal?

Hive needs to become more open and welcoming

Hive is just a blockchain. That's like asking a tree to hug you back. All over the internet you'll run into shitty people. They should be the least of your worries.

I'd rather see the Splinterlands community contributing to its own success rather than making excuses and passing the buck. No matter how much people want to pressure me or attempt to guilt trip me into it, I won't budge on that position.


Hive is way more than just a blockchain....

I don't understand the first sentence of your second paragraph, and as far as I know we were chatting, with no thought to pressure you or guilt you into anything, so please chill dude! 😀


You have 70 HP. You came to me with some promises of a grand idea that will bring investors and that you will make a game 100 times bigger than Splinterlands. Not even an idea. a PROMISE OF AN IDEA.
I responded very nicely to your grandiose claims that sound pretty nuts if im being honest.

Now ive seen you 5-6 times already talking nonsense that Hivers arent open or welcoming.

What youre doing is sort of horrible.


Firstly, I am a splinterlands player and not particularly paying attention to HP.

I came to you and asked you if I could explain my plan and ideas to you and you declined.

I made no promises at all, I just told you what I was going for and you did not want to hear me out.

Similarly, I made no grandiose claims at all.

I have reached out to many hivers over the last year. To give you some credit, you did respond to my request to talk, albeit if only to say no, without having anything like enough info to make any kind of assessment.

The vast majority of you hivers have simply ignored my polite requests to talk, so my experience is that Hivers are not at all welcoming or open.

If that is "sort of horrible", I can only apologise, but I have been truthful and respectful at all times, which you and your fellow Hivers, with one or two notable exceptions, largely have not.

Sorry if that is disturbing, but it is at least true and accurate in terms of what my experiece has been....


Your idea with questions like:

could Hive cope with a game a couple of orders of magnitude bigger than splinterlands?

I could run through the plan for the venture dao, the first three businesses, and the plan to bring HNWIs into Hive.

As you will understand, there are a variety of challenges to be overcome when setting up a venture dao plus seven to fifteen new businesses, but I have solutions for most of them.

All grand claims. I explained to you that you need to build reputation on Hive that you need to prove to you can actually do any of this stuff.
From the point of view of anyone reasonable talking to someone with 70HP claiming this stuff without even building any kind of reputation onchain is a waste of time.
I explained to you what you need to do and that you dont build a consensus by DMing a random hiver.
You do it by proving that you can deliver even the smallest thing to Hive and building a reputation for yourself.

You saw that as you did and were extremely happy to paint Hive in a bad light because of it in the discord and now here.

albeit if only to say no, without having anything like enough info to make any kind of assessment.

I did not say no. I told you what you need to do. Even if I did say no, which i did not, that has no bearing on your idea working or not. An idea thats not even an idea. Just big claims of stuff you can do without previously proving you can do any of it.

Do you go through your DMs on Twitter and give the time of day to random people you dont know in your spam inbox? Im sure you dont. What about those telling you: "I can bring millions of dollars of investment to your project."

I took the time to help you out to the best of my ability and gave you a course of action. You responded with... Hivers arent welcoming and open.

What you are is disingenuous which is clearly why people shouldnt take claims like you made seriously or respond to them. It was my fault giving you the time of day. Now we just have another FUDer to add to idiots like Bulldog to this conversation.


I knew you were a Splinterlander and a Hive Witness when I reached out to you and, as your profile says you are in Marketing, as am I, I thought you might think I was at least worth hearing out, rather than leaping to assumptions as you actually did.

Your "advice" was that I need to prove I can do something before doing something, which is literally impossible.

A rational response would be to listen to my plan, ask thoughtful questions, and if you found it stacked up, give it your support and if it doesn't, point out what is wrong.

I don't know what your business background or experience is, but there is nothing at all strange about reaching out to influential people to gather consensus and support for new initiatives.

Finally, as you like quotes so much, what i asked you was

"I am trying to build consensus and support for the plan, so if I could gain that from you, it would be awesome. All I ask is let me lay it out for you and you can see for yourself if it stacks or not, and so worth supporting or not".

To which you replied "There isnt really much I can help you with now. especially put my name behind an idea you might have. especially if you will request funding for it.

You have to prove you can deliver something or build value for Hive before you can get a real answer from anyone. Sorry."

In summary, you refused to listen, leapt to conclusions, and blew me off without ever taking the trouble to find out if my plan had any merit at all.

Those are the facts mate,

I had to look up disingenuous and it equates to deception, so again you have just made stuff up, (hurtful, insulting stuff), when you could have just as easily and with less effort asked a question or two and actually learned something.

All in all, you have been exactly what I said about Hivers, which is you are not a group that is either open or welcoming.

You try and paint that as fud, aka fear, uncertainty, and doubt. No idea where you pulled that from but it is just as false as your other unmerited attacks on me.

Don't worry though, I don't hold grudges and won't be getting involved in downvoting or blacklisting people, which is just petty.

I would strongly recommend taking a more fact based, question lead, approach rather than making stuff up, but you do you! 😀


Your "advice" was that I need to prove I can do something before doing something, which is literally impossible.

No, its not impossible at all. How do you think I got in the position to do the things I do? Not wanting to put work in doesnt make things impossible.

A rational response would be to listen to my plan, ask thoughtful questions, and if you found it stacked up, give it your support and if it fdoesn't point out what is wrong.

I gave you a rational response. Show the community you can do any of the things you claim and people will take you seriously.

"I am trying to build consensus and support for the plan, so if I could gain that from you, it would be awesome.

I told you that is not how you build a consensus. I dont know you. I dont know what you can do. Youre not active on Hive and havent shown youre capable of anything, let alone the big things you claim.

In summary, you refused to listen, leapt to conclusions, and blew me off without ever taking the trouble to find out if my plan had any merit at all.

I listened to you plenty and explained everything in detail. I explained it to you again here. Hive is a reputation based community. Thats why we have no rugs here. You have no reputation and are clearly unwilling to generate any.
The first step is understanding Hive. Understanding decentralization. Being part of discussions. I guess this here what youre doing is a good step in that direction.

I had to look up disingenuous and it equates to deception, so again you have just made stuff up,

Being given an honest and helpful answer and then painting that as us Hivers (news flash, youre a hiver too) not being open and welcoming is disingenuous.

approach rather than making stuff up

Again. Disingenuous.


I am sure you think you are making sense and it is probably impossible to talk you down, so I think I will just drop this conversation as it lacks the commitment to honesty and transparency that I expect.

Thanks for proving my point for me though.


You either understand decentralization or you dont. If youre unwilling to learn, I cant help you.
There is no quick road to the point where your voice matters. The only way there is to use it. You tried appealing to me as if im an authority, as if that will get you anywhere quickly. Thats not how stuff works here.

You need to build yourself up. No one can do that for you. And thats as honest and transparent of an answer you can get.


This is really going to be my final attempt to get through to you...

Please consider that questions are more useful than assumptions, which are so very easy to get wrong....

I was reaching out to you as another member of the collective that is hive. Building consensus amongst a collective is the right thing to do. hive is dependent on its OGs.

Apparently you don't know what networking is, which is weird for someone helping run a blockchain...

Although I have been opposing centralised authority since i was a teenager, been involved in blogging for nearly 20 years, and in crypto since 09, you know all about me and what I am trying to do. Right!

You appear to be discriminating against me cos I haven't blogged on Hive, but that isn't why I am here.

Furthermore it is frankly reckless and not a little weird to judge business plans by somebody's track record as a blogger.

I suspect if we count up all the SPL games I have played continuously for over three years, I have been on Hive more than you! Maybe we gamers should get some credit for that...

Anyways, you appear to be stuck in your little groove of faux righteousness, and there is to lift the stylus for you, so I don't know what else to say to you other than you really need to drink more coffee!


You appear to be discriminating against me cos I haven't blogged on Hive, but that isn't why I am here.

Discriminating? You dont need to blog. I havent seen you involved with anything. Havent seen you contributing to Hive. I dont know you. I dont know what youre capable of. You havent shown me anything you did or can do, yet you make big claims. How is that discrimination?

Furthermore it is frankly reckless and not a little weird to judge business plans by somebody's track record as a blogger.

Where is your Hive track record? What have you done so far? Again... you cannot expect anyone to take you seriously with claims like you make without having anything to showcase.
How is that weird or reckless?

I suspect if we count up all the SPL games I have played continuously for over three years, I have been on Hive more than you! Maybe we gamers should get some credit for that...

Ive played SPL since launch. Owned cards before there even was a game. So, no... you havent been here longer than me as if that matters at all.

SHOW THAT YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU CLAIM TO BE CAPABLE OF. Even a part of it. Go network. Deliver something to SPL, lets see if you can do something there. Deliver something to Hive.

You rode in on a bicycle and claim you can get a bunch of Ferraris here.

You need to beat the skepticism. Not call people that are reasonably skeptical unwelcoming and not open.


In which ways do you think I should contribute to Hive?

Indeed, which ways to contribute on Hive are there?

To me, it is primarily just the platform Splinterlands runs on. As mentioned above, it is only through the kindness and patience of others that I have come to understand Hive is more than that.

As to discrimination, you keep refusing to listen to me cos I lack hive profile. That IS discrimination.

The way to know if you can take someone seriously is you listen to what they have to say and decide if it stacks up.

You have not done that, you have made up stuff, hurled accusations, and basically done everything but listen!

Frankly, listening to me would have taken less time than this frustrating chat has!!

I have no literally idea what you are on about when you say contribute before you will listen. If you won't listen then I can't contribute.

It is by getting to know each other that we can build trust, not by some random blockchain data.

Telling me to go network is hilarious advice, cos I am trying to network with you and other hivers and you keep rebufffing me.

Consider this, if I am even halfway onto something, that is significant for both hive and splinterlands, and if, as I believe it can, this plan works out, it could be transformative for both.

Sure, kind of big claims perhaps, but what if it is all true and possible? You owe it to yourself, hive and splinterlands to at least find out, right?

Maybe it is you that needs to beat your own scpeticism....

Come on, man, loosen up and let me talk with you. I promise not to bite! Or suck!!


It is by getting to know each other that we can build trust, not by some random blockchain data.

In so many words, that's all he's trying to tell you. Get out there, get to know people. Some will listen. Some won't. Some will be rude, some will be kind, and all things in between. That's life. If you have big plans, you have all the freedom in the world here to act on them. Some might approve, others might not. That's life. Your success is your responsibility. It's not up to anyone else but you.


Yes, you are very right!

I am doing my best to meet people, which is mostly happening on discord, where many hive communities hang out.

Community is very important to me and I don't want to act in isolation as some might do, I want to build a group that shares the vision and purpose of the new dao.

LB is both an OG Splinterlander and a Hive Witness, so I thought he would at least want to hear my input, as my plan can help support both the chain and the game, but apparently not.

As you said, some might approve. others might not, which is of course perfectly fine and to be expected. To be ignored and belittled based on an absence of facts is what sticks in my throat a bit though, but it won't remotely deter me. 😀


The most successful street performer right now is surrounded by a crowd of people enjoying the music. At the exact same time, that street performer is also the most annoying human on that corner, getting a lot of dirty looks. At the exact same time, that successful street performer is also the most ignored human in the vicinity. For every 1 that stops to listen, 200 keep on walking and pay no attention. That's what success looks like.


Ugh man.. Post it on Hive in an open forum. Make it concrete, ping me, ill read it.


It's always been my plan to do that, when the time comes...

However, as someone with not much profile, as you so kindly pointed out repeatedly, I was, indeed am, far more concerned about being voted out of existence by people I don't even know.

Maybe you don't see some of the aggressive upvoting and downvoting that goes on on hive but, as a noob who has only been here a relatively short while, it scares the crap out of me.

That is why I have been trying to introduce myseñf and the plan to people such as yourself.

I can do a lot but I can't do everything and building a great team, largely based on splinterlands and hive, is mission critical, as well as offering employment to people in our community.


Come on man. Someone will downvote your idea post. Nonsense.

Aggressive downvoting? What aggresive downvoting? The few scammers? Idiots working against Hive? No one proposing anything of value has ever been downvoted here for that reason.


I see it all the time and get told about other people's experiences too, and it really happens. You are possibly too close to the wood to see the trees....


My original comment here triggered many more words for me to read. I hope I'm not interrupting.

May I offer you some advice?


yes please


You'll never find the perfect world.

I realize that sounds like an evil fortune cookie, so I'll take your situation I'm reading here and put it somewhere else.

Let's say you have a lot to offer and you think Chicago is the place it all needs to happen.

Do you say to yourself, "I have so much going for me and such great things to offer this world. But since people get shot here in Chicago, I'll do nothing instead."

Sure, some people do get shot in Chicago. Majority are not walking around with wounds though. Why? And why are there so many others able to achieve great things in Chicago? Do they have superpowers? No. They're regular people just like you, getting shit done.

Now look around this platform. If you feel this is the place to get shit done, you're wise to be aware of issues, but don't forget to look at the majority not experiencing those issues and actually getting a lot of shit done.

Don't let your fears hold you back.

There. I turned it into a normal fortune cookie.

Have a good one.


I've been on the chain 8 years in just a couple of days. Over the years I've seen some aggressive downvoting, usually overblown egos having a pissing match. Often with collateral damage.

I've not seen a lot of that going on in the last couple of years so, I'd be curious to see what you claim and learn the story behind the downvotes. There is always a story, even if you disagree with it.

If you're not into blogging anymore, there is the option of using dBuzz and 'tweeting' to build a profile. They will show up in the All Posts section of your profile. If you're more into sharing pictures, there's LikeTu.

Hive is more than blogging.


Unfortunately, there have been plenty of rugs on the hive; some are made of 200k USD from hivers. However, in this particular case, I know Femi is working on a pitch deck and has meetings lined up with investors. Grandiose ideas need money. In this case, it doesn't have to be from DHF, but no one on the hive should say no to extra money coming in from outside.

I agree with the reputation part. But we should encourage ideas and empower people if they come to hive from outside. The HP a person owns should not be a sign of their dedication to hive. Time is the most important resource you can give to this chain, and the users, just like you, inspire many others to the time dedicated to hive.


Unfortunately, there have been plenty of rugs on the hive; some are made of 200k USD from hivers.

Its a thing of the past. When it comes to grant approval or anything related to the DHF rugs arent a thing here simply due to the reputation aspect.

I know Femi is working on a pitch deck and has meetings lined up with investors. Grandiose ideas need money. In this case, it doesn't have to be from DHF, but no one on the hive should say no to extra money coming in from outside.

No one is saying no to anything. He needs to show that he can actually do any of the things he claims. Those are big claims.

The HP a person owns should not be a sign of their dedication to hive.

By design it is a sign of that in part. But if you dont have the HP you still need something to showcase. That is then even more of a necessity.

Hes not active on Hive. I dont know him. Barely anyone that isnt in the Splinterlands discord here knows him.
How reasonable is it to take anything seriously he claims he can do?
Its simply not.

He can still do all the things he claims he wants to do. Thats what decentralization allows. No one is stopping him. But he has to show something. Right now hes just some random unknown guy with an unknown value assigned to him. Hes just a big question mark.

I dont get why that is so hard for him to understand.


I don't know why it is so hard for you to understand that people love Hive BECAUSE of Splinterlands, not because it has a desire to be a home for decentralised social media.

I would support that aspiration but a lot more would need to be done first to make that waaaaaay eaasier.

As to this reputation aspect, I am amazed you don't see the flaws with that or the way it drives an inward looking cliqueyness, which is exactly what you have done to me!

Fact is, you do not have enough info to be able to come to any opinion about my plan but that hasn't stopped you doing so, but apparently the fact I am not blogging on Hive means it must be dodgy.

I might be a random unknown guy to you, but that is also what you are to me, and so far only one of us has been unwelcoming and hostile, which kind of proves my point.

I really would not mind if you heard the details and then said this can't work for reason x or y, but all you have dome is prove my point that hive is indeed unwelcoming and not open!

Would you like to start over?


I don't know why it is so hard for you to understand that people love Hive BECAUSE of Splinterlands

Not true at all. Decentralized social media or not.. Why someone uses Hive and for what is entirely a subjective thing.
Im here because its the only decentralized community blockchain where anyone can do absolutely anything they put their mind to and isnt subject to any central authority. Each person doing anything here is an authority!

I am amazed you don't see the flaws with that or the way it drives an inward looking cliqueyness,

Its a community run blockchain. The entire point is that you build you value through being a part of the community. You can call it what you want but no one will approve of anything, even on centralized chains without you showing you can actually deliver something.

Would you like to start over?

There is nothing to start over. Youre on Hive. Youre a Hiver like me. A generally unknown individual claiming you can deliver big things. Maybe you can. I dont know.

Show you can do something. Convince a few people. I will have no problem listening to you then. I might even support it. Right now your presence here is in its infancy.
Anything you want to make happen depends entirely on you.


There is a reasonable expectation from both sides. I can't profess to understand anyone's understanding. If we could summarise what we want to say in one sentence, we would have fewer paragraphs from talented people wasting their time in circular arguments.

Making stuff takes time, femi's ideas should still be empowered with help if he pitches them for validation/polish in the meantime. I know he is working on things which you have not seen yet.

"Come back to me when you have made a pre-proof of concept before I consider validating your idea seriously."

Is this a decent summary @lordbutterfly ?


It wont be enough. Anyone handling money coming from Hive, especially in cases like this needs to show he can both deliver and is trustworthy. He needs to deliver even the smallest part of what he claims he can do to be taken seriously since he is fairly new in dabbling with Hive workings.

What I did years ago was help return 200 thousands USD that were stuck in an escrow back to the DHF. Money that would never get back to Hive otherwise. From that point it was easy for everyone to trust me with Hive funds in all cases.
Im not saying he needs to do something big like that but he needs to deliver something, anything so people looking at it can say:

"Yeah, this guy can do some serious stuff and he put this amount of work for Hive or SPL. We can trust he can deliver more in the future."


There's this weird wave of people with no skin in the game or history who approach one and demand support because they'll be the gem who will bring in thousands. They gotta realize they're not the only one and that senior members of this community have heard that line over and over again with most of the time just being a ditch effort for some post rewards before they disappear.


You have dipshits fostering a negative attitude towards Hive and not many pushing back. Its a problem. Thats why theres a disconnect.

Its like having an enemy in your bed.

A group of people that are a part of the community actively working against it.


Oh shit. It's the deep state.


You know deep state is so deep that no one can ever know who they are. They might be mole people. Or Pegasuses with thick mustaches made of bronze and sprinkles.

haha. No.
Its a few guys I could name you right now. Just had run in with one of the aholes on twitter today. Theyre about as deep as a drunk Kardashian.
