RE: A few thoughts...


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If I'm asking for funding, I'd need to publish a proposal.

If it doesn't gain enough traction, it might not be approved. I would have no choice but to accept that. My fault. I'd need to do better.

Before going ahead with it, it's my responsibility to understand all the ins and outs of the proposal system. Everyone can participate, including those against. I need to be aware of that and accept how the system is designed. It is to be expected, at any given moment, a roadblock could appear. This does not remove my ability to receive funding, I simply need to gather more support to get over the hurdle.

At any point, people are free to remove support, add support, vote for the return proposal. The first month I might not have enough support. The second month could be a good month for me. The third month I could be right back where I started, looking for more support.

No matter how popular or unpopular an idea is, it's the same system for all.

When it comes to that SPL proposal, maybe the solution is something simpler. Read it. What if I said that to you? I realize fans of the game will support blindly. I realize the threatening tone creates panic. Straight out of the gates, everyone in support feels like they're backed into a corner. Meanwhile others are asking for more information on how the money is to be used. The answers aren't clear. The proposal itself doesn't even include directions on how to support or a link. The post itself has more votes than the proposal. Maybe there was some confusion. Things should be clear and the target audience is everyone, not just large stakeholders in a panic.

Why not attempt to solve those issues at least? Talking about business. Handle it.

After everything was said and done here, the return proposal now sits at roughly 29m HP. When the SPL proposal went live, the return proposal had roughly 29m HP backing it. So that's something for this community to think about as well.


A lot of people don't pay any attention to proposals. There's ~150 whales with a lot of HP and most of them don't vote for witnesses or pay attention to proposals. You can't automatically assume that because a proposal isn't voted that it's because support for it is low. Getting things voted on whether it be posts, proposals, or witnesses is generally about getting the word out. The proposal had a short build up, so my conclusions would be closer to not enough eyeballs than not enough support.


More eyeballs would lead to more participation. I agree there's not enough interest in general. I have no issues with people going around spreading the word and gathering support. That's to be expected. No different than a video going viral. People share it. I get it. And thousands of players give you a clear advantage in that department.

This is a great opportunity. For all of us here. Far more people know at least a little bit more about that proposal system today than they did two weeks ago.

I'm not picking a side here or anything like that. I want to make that clear. I don't think those in support are a bunch of buffoons in the same way I can respect those not in support or undecided. Not interested in seeing this place fighting over a pile of money. I don't think it's necessary so won't be participating in that. I agree, let's try to be professional.

After the proposal went live, I removed my vote for the return proposal to make it that much easier for you folks. Under pharesim's post I said I'd be returning my vote for the return proposal. Now that I see it's back to 29m HP, I've decided to once again remove my vote. I'm still on the fence and can't decide if voting for SPL proposal is a good idea or not. It's not an easy decision to make. And now all this controversy which is something I think could have been avoided.

I'm still just as confident there's enough support out there to push this proposal into approved status as I was the day it went live.

Nobody approached me behind the scenes attempting pressure me into supporting and I'm grateful for that.
